Chapter 18

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Jeremy 😍 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Haley on territorial mode is SEXY AS ALL FXCKING HELL. C'mon like...damn. Trying to keep myself from being embarrassed while she put Madeline in her place was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. To be honest, I was even more excited that she wanted to bring our relationship to the next level. Don't get me wrong I'm still upset with her but it would be untrue of me to say this didn't make me happy. She was my spitfire and the whole world needed to know. That can only happen if she accepts it too and it sounded like she did.

Haley and I walked towards the back area of the restaurant to have a seat and talk. After the episode between Madeline and her, I honestly wanted to know what gave her the fire she needed to stop ignoring the attraction between us.

"So...what brings you here Haley?"

She chuckled awkwardly, "You know...after my whooolleee....freak out and I talked to Sasha. It became a "what in the heck are you doing?" kind of situation. "So sasha basically said to me you obviously have a connection and found someone you really like. In a nutshell, I shouldn't be so scared to get in a relationship just because of my past experiences. Cautious? yes. Scared? No."

"Plus, I ended up calling you and then that tramp answered and it really just set me off. Honest I didn't come here to take her head off or anything. I just came to claim what's mine. Is that wrong of me to do? "

Haley had A LOT of sass in her today and I am loving it. It's almost like she is showing another part of herself to me and its amazing to see it.

So I'm yours now is that it? I smirked and just to ruffle her feathers a little bit, "Are you sure it is not because someone else wants me? I don't think you're too fond of sharing."

She blushed deeply but kept eye contact. "No, I know what I want and I claim it when I'm good and ready. I mean it's obvious that you canNOT moving on quickly from someone like me" She replied haughtily and then she smirked back at me, "You're right, I don't like to share"

I grinned at her role play, "So are you making it official?" She shrugged her shoulders trying to hold back her smile, "Yeah".
Haley was just adorable.

After our fun dialogue Haley called Sasha over so she could meet my siblings. Sasha knew I had siblings but she didn't know that "they were just as fine" and this is in her words not mine.

Smiling cheekily, I redirected the girls to the table where my brothers and sister sat. Making sure to stand as close as possible to Haley.

"Hey guys this my....girlfriend Haley and her best friend Sasha" Holding Haley's hand tightly was the only way to make sure she didn't change her mind and run away. We can't have that happening again. I'll be old and gray if I let her make up her mind on her own.

I kissed Haley on her cheek while my brothers made room for the both of them. Sasha looked like she was in heaven. The poor girl looked close to drooling. Haley introduced herself and gave each one of my siblings a hug.She seemed really excited to meet them and I couldn't be happier but you know I still had to play my cool. I have a reputation to keep you know.

At first, my siblings were a bit shocked to learn the news that I had a girlfriend especially considering my reputation. However, when they began conversing with Haley I could see them warming up to her minute by minute.

Haley waved at Jade, James, and Jaden while taking a seat. She nervously held my hand as we all sat at the table in silence. However, that silence only lasted until Sasha blurted out ,"Damn are you guys fine! Why were you holding out on us Jeremy?."

The serious look on her face had let me know that she was not joking at all. For the first time in my life I have seen my brothers blush. It was hilarious and collateral damage to hold onto. Of course, the blush didn't last long and they began to smirk. Jade was struggling to hold in her laughter while Haley reprimanded Sasha for saying inappropriate statements.

"Oh my god I am so sorry for Sasha's behavior, she is a bit crazy and it just comes with the territory" Haley apologized.

"But you have to love her anyway right?" Jade's eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Yeah but speaking of loving the crazy ones anyway" Haley laughed.

"Yeah?" Jade asked intrigued.

"So how were you able to live with Jeremy's arrogance for so long?" Haley asked with humor in her voice. At this point they had already completed introductions with each other and you could clearly see that Jade and Haley had clicked.

Jade laughed. "I have no idea if I'm honest. I'm surprised his head hasn't popped from all the air he filled it with."

I began to touch my head and honestly I think they're just haters because my head is not that big. "You know that's what the women tell me! Big and Amazing" I smirked back. My brothers high fived me from across the table.

"Is that so?" Haley responded back with her eyebrows raised.

"Well I don't think Jeremy is arrogant" Madeline voiced. To be honest I had completely forgot that she was even there. She was so sure she had one upped Haley.

"It was takes the last to find the beginnings" Haley muttered under her breath. Oh boy! It's about to be cat fight. Man, I have always wanted to say that. Yes! No seriously, I'm Haley's side she has it in the bag. Go babe! (Said it all in my head we all know she would murder me if she could hear my thoughts).

 "Well it's a good thing he's mine isn't it?", Haley saucily smiled at Madeline while laying the right side of her body against mine. I clearly had the best seat in the house. "Big head and all" She laughed.

Madeline was practically simmering in her seat and clearly thinking of something to get back at Haley.

"So when are the rents next in town Jeremy? They did always like me" Madeline taunted.

"Welp, they say a puppet that's easy to control and always at the ready is sure to be the masters favorite" Haley replied dismissively. Guys...the steam is blowing the top of these bitches.

"They should be here next week that should be a perfect time for Haley to meet the rents. What do you think babe?"

"Sure, Why not?"

"Well that settles it" I clapped my hands together and smiled sweetly at everyone.

"It was nice hanging out with you all but it is time for me to go" I looked back at my siblings, "well...are you coming or not?" I raised an eyebrow.

They nodded and took their remaining food to go. I kissed Haley on the lips goodbye making sure to leave her breathless and walked out. That ladies and gentlemen is a genuine grand exit. *winks*

A/N: We are on our last 3 chapters (including epilogue) and I just have to thank everyone for the continued support and motivation that you have given me to finish this story. I got writer's block frequently but we made it y'all, we made it! 

 I got writer's block frequently but we made it y'all, we made it! 

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