Dino | Dengue Fever

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Dino from Seventeen had always been known for his boundless energy and charismatic presence on stage. His fans admired his dedication and his ability to light up any room. But one fateful day, his vibrant spirit was put to an unexpected test.

It all started during a concert tour in Southeast Asia. The band had been performing non-stop, traveling from city to city. The humid climate, coupled with their hectic schedule, made it difficult to stay healthy. Despite their best efforts, the group found themselves constantly battling fatigue. The nights were long, the performances intense, and rest was often a luxury they couldn't afford.

It was in Jakarta that Dino began to feel unwell. At first, it was a slight headache and an unusual sense of weakness. He brushed it off, attributing it to exhaustion. But as the days went by, the symptoms worsened.

Dino had been feeling off during the rehearsal for the next show. His head pounded with an intensity that was hard to ignore, and his body ached as though he had been hit by a truck. He tried to push through, but the discomfort became increasingly debilitating.

"Are you okay, Dino?" asked Joshua, his concern evident. Joshua had always been the first to notice when something was wrong with a member of the group.

"I'm just tired hyung," Dino replied with a weak smile. "It's nothing serious."

"You don't look fine," Joshua said, his worry deepening. "Maybe you should sit down for a bit."

Dino reluctantly agreed. He sank into a nearby chair, hoping that the rest would help. As the hours ticked by, his symptoms became more severe. By the end of the day, he was experiencing high fever and severe joint pain.

The next morning, Dino woke up drenched in sweat. His fever had spiked overnight, and he felt utterly drained. Despite the obvious signs of illness, he insisted on attending the scheduled press conference.

"Dino, you don't look well," pointed out Woozi, his voice full of concern. "Are you sure you should be here?"

"I'm fine hyung," Dino said, though his voice was barely above a whisper. "I just need to get through today."

During the press conference, Dino's condition worsened. His face was pale, and he struggled to focus. Fans and journalists alike noticed something was amiss.

When the press conference ended, Dino could barely stand. Mingyu and Wonwoo quickly came to his aid.

"Let's get you to the hotel," Mingyu said, his voice firm but gentle. "You need to rest."

In the hotel room, Dino collapsed onto the bed, shivering despite the high fever. His members gathered around, visibly worried.

The next morning, Dino's condition had deteriorated. His hyung's decided it was time to seek medical help. They took him to a local clinic where the doctors quickly assessed his symptoms.

"Dengue fever," the doctor said after a series of tests. "It's a mosquito-borne illness that's common in tropical regions. He's in a severe stage and needs immediate treatment."

Dino's eyes widened in shock. "Dengue fever? Is it serious?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, it can be quite dangerous if not treated properly. We'll need to monitor his platelet count and keep him hydrated."

The news hit the group hard. They had been so focused on their work that they hadn't considered the possibility of a serious illness.

"We need to make sure he gets the best care," Seungkwan said, his voice trembling. "We can't lose him."

Dino was admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment. The days that followed were filled with uncertainty and anxiety. The members took turns visiting him, trying to keep his spirits up.

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