Ot13 | Jeonghan's Military Enlistment

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Hello Everyone!

Calling the attention of all the Carats, especially the Jjongjjongies. I know many of you are feeling distressed about Jeonghan's military enlistment tomorrow.

Please remember that this is a temporary journey, and your unwavering support means the world to him. He will surely cherish seeing all of you waiting for his return in two years.

I encourage you to leave messages on him to show how much love and encouragement he has from all of you. Let's make sure he knows he's cared for. Your messages will lift his spirits. Keep the faith!


As the sun rose on a Saturday morning, the members of Seventeen gathered in their usual practice room, excitement filing the air. With Jeonghan's military enlistment looming closer, they knew this day had to be special.

"Okay, guys, we need to make this a memorable day for Jeonghan hyung before he leaves!" Dino declared, tapping a pencil against his notebook.

"An amusement park sounds perfect!" Joshua suggested, a wide smile spreading across his face. "We haven't been in ages!"

"Just imagine the rides, the games, and all that food!" DK chimed in, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Let's make a list of everything we want to do," Seungkwan said, already pulling out his phone. "I want to challenge Jeonghan hyung to a singing competition on the karaoke stage there!"

"Please, you'll lose," Jeonghan teased, leaning back in his chair with a playful grin. "I'm a master at karaoke."

"Yeah, but you'll be distracted by the snacks!" Mingyu shot back, laughing.

"Can we agree that we're all winning today?" Hoshi said, trying to keep the mood light. "It's not just about the rides. It's about spending time together!"

"Exactly! Let's take tons of pictures, too!" Wonwoo added, flipping through his phone to check the weather. "And we should try that giant roller coaster everyone's talking about."

"Ugh, roller coasters..." Jeonghan said, pretending to shudder. "You guys know I'm not a fan!"

"Too bad! It's on the list," Vernon teased, nudging Jeonghan. "You're going to face your fears today!"

"Maybe you'll even scream like a little kid!" Vernon laughed, imitating Jeonghan's reaction from their last amusement park visit.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, but I'm holding onto Mingyu the entire time!" Jeonghan shot back, making everyone burst into laughter.

As they finalized their plans, the members couldn't help but reminisce about past adventures. "Remember that time we got lost looking for the food stalls?" Woozi said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, and we ended up in that random haunted house," Minghao chuckled, recalling the chaos that followed. "We screamed so loud, I think we scared the ghosts!"

"Let's make this day even better than the last one!" Seungcheol said, his voice brimming with excitement. "It's all about Jeonghan today!"

"Right! Let's make him the star of the day," Seungkwan said, glancing at Jeonghan with a cheeky smile. "We should even get him a crown or something!"

"Can we not?" Jeonghan groaned, but his smile betrayed him.

With their plans set, they hopped into a van, the energy palpable as they chattered away about their favorite rides and the best foods they were going to devour.

"Can't wait to eat those giant cotton candies!" Dino exclaimed, practically bouncing in his seat.

"And let's not forget the churros!" Jun added, looking over at Seungkwan. "You know they'll be gone in seconds if you're around."

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