Seungkwan | Burn Out

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Seungkwan woke up to the relentless beep of his alarm clock. His eyes, heavy with exhaustion, slowly adjusted to the morning light creeping through the curtains. He glanced at the clock. 6:00 AM. Another early start. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed, feeling the usual ache in his back and legs from the endless rehearsals and variety show appearances.

He shuffled to the bathroom, where he splashed cold water on his face, hoping it would shake off the weariness. Today, like every other day, promised to be packed. He had an early morning radio show, followed by back-to-back recording sessions, and a variety show taping in the evening.

As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he tried to smile, but his face felt like it was made of stone. The pressure to keep up with the schedule was immense. Seungkwan had always been the one to push through, to smile and keep going, no matter how tired he felt. But even the most resilient person has their limits.

The radio show went off without a hitch. Seungkwan chatted animatedly with the DJ, answering questions with practiced ease. He cracked jokes and shared stories, hiding the exhaustion behind a bright smile. The listeners were none the wiser.

After the show, Seungkwan made his way to the recording studio. His manager, Mr. Park, was waiting for him. Mr. Park was a middle-aged man with a kind face and a patient demeanor. He had been with Seungkwan since the early days of his career and had seen him through many ups and downs.

"Morning, Seungkwan. Ready for today?" Mr. Park asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Mr. Park. Yeah, I'm ready," Seungkwan replied, accepting the coffee and taking a quick sip. The caffeine gave him a brief burst of energy, but it wouldn't last long.

The recording session was grueling. Seungkwan sang take after take, trying to hit every note perfectly. His voice was hoarse from the constant use, and his body ached from the non-stop schedule. But he pushed through, determined to give his best.

By the time the recording session ended, Seungkwan was drained. He slumped into a chair in the studio lounge, trying to catch his breath. Mr. Park approached him, a concerned look on his face.

"Seungkwan, are you okay? You seem really tired today," Mr. Park said, his tone laced with worry.

"I'm fine, Mr. Park. Just a bit tired. I'll be okay," Seungkwan assured him, though his voice was lacking its usual enthusiasm.

Mr. Park nodded but didn't look entirely convinced. "Alright, but remember to take care of yourself. You can't keep going like this forever."

Seungkwan gave him a small smile. "I know. Thanks for worrying."

After a brief break, it was time for the variety show taping. Seungkwan arrived at the studio, where he was greeted by the energetic hosts and fellow guests. The show was designed to be fun and lighthearted, a chance to unwind and entertain.

"Hey, Seungkwan! Glad you could make it!" one of the hosts, Jihoon, said with a cheerful grin.

"Hi, Jihoon! Thanks for having me," Seungkwan replied, trying to match Jihoon's energy.

The taping began, and Seungkwan put on his best show. He participated in games, answered questions, and played along with the host's antics. But the fatigue was starting to show. His movements were slower, and his laughter didn't reach his eyes.

During a break, the show's producer, Ms. Kim, came over to check in. She was a no-nonsense woman with a sharp eye for detail.

"Seungkwan, you're doing great, but you look like you're running on empty. Is everything alright?" Ms. Kim asked.

"I'm good, Ms. Kim. Just a bit tired," Seungkwan said, forcing a smile.

Ms. Kim frowned. "You need to take care of yourself. We can always reschedule if you need a break."

"No, it's fine. I can handle it," Seungkwan insisted.

The rest of the show went by in a blur. By the time it was over, Seungkwan was barely able to keep his eyes open. Mr. Park was waiting for him outside the studio, ready to take him back to the dorm.

"Seungkwan, let's get you home. You need some rest," Mr. Park said, his concern evident.

Seungkwan nodded, too tired to argue. He climbed into the car and leaned back, closing his eyes. The drive to the dorm felt endless. When they finally arrived, Seungkwan trudged up the stairs to his room, his steps heavy.

He flopped onto his bed, hoping for a few hours of sleep before the next day's schedule. But sleep wouldn't come. His mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming activities, and his body felt like it was made of lead.

At around 2:00 AM, Seungkwan's phone buzzed with a message from one of his members, Woozi.

Woozi: Hey, how's it going? You've been working nonstop. Are you alright?

Seungkwan stared at the message, feeling a pang of guilt. He didn't want to worry his members, but the truth was, he was barely holding on.

Seungkwan: I'm fine hyung, just tired. I'll catch up with you soon.

He put his phone away and tried to get some rest, but his body had other plans. He tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable position. The exhaustion was overwhelming, and a nagging ache settled in his chest.

The next morning, Seungkwan woke up feeling worse. His head pounded, and his body felt incredibly heavy. He struggled to get out of bed, but as he stood up, his legs gave out. He collapsed back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

Mr. Park came to check on him, noticing the unusual quiet. He opened the door and saw Seungkwan lying there, looking pale and unwell.

"Seungkwan! What's wrong?" Mr. Park asked, rushing to his side.

"I...I don't feel well," Seungkwan said weakly.

Mr. Park quickly called for an ambulance, his face a mask of worry. Within minutes, paramedics arrived and carefully helped Seungkwan onto a stretcher. The dorm was abuzz with activity as Seungkwan was taken to the hospital.

At the hospital, Seungkwan was examined by doctors. The diagnosis was clear: severe exhaustion and dehydration. His body had reached its limit, and he needed to rest.

Woozi, who had arrived at the hospital after hearing the news, sat beside Seungkwan's bed, a look of concern etched on his face.

"Seungkwan, you should've told us you were feeling this bad," Woozi said, his voice filled with worry.

"I didn't want to worry anyone hyung," Seungkwan replied weakly.

"Worrying is part of being a team," Woozi said firmly. "We're all in this together. You need to take better care of yourself."

Seungkwan nodded, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. "I'm sorry. I'll do better."

Mr. Park and the other members visited him throughout the day, each one expressing their concern and support. The hospital room was filled with a sense of relief that Seungkwan was getting the care he needed.

As the days went by, Seungkwan slowly recovered. The doctors insisted on a few more days of rest before he could return to his busy schedule. During this time, the members of Seventeen took over his duties, ensuring that everything went smoothly in his absence.

The break was a revelation for Seungkwan. It gave him time to reflect on his priorities and realize that his well-being was just as important as his career. The support from his friends and the realization that he wasn't alone made a significant difference.

When Seungkwan was finally able to return to his activities, he did so with a newfound perspective. He took steps to manage his schedule better and make time for rest. The experience taught him that even the most dedicated person needs to take care of themselves.

Seungkwan's return was met with warmth and encouragement from fans and fellow members alike. He was determined to maintain a healthier balance, understanding now more than ever that taking care of oneself was crucial to achieving long-term success.

And so, Seungkwan continued his journey with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that his health and happiness were just as important as his career.

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