Hoshi | Alcohol Poisoning

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It was Friday evening when the members of Seventeen decided to take a break from their hectic schedule. Hoshi, Woozi, Jun, and Wonwoo chose a cozy little restaurant tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The ambiance was warm, with soft music playing in the background and the faint clinking of glasses adding to the lively atmosphere.

As they settled into their booth, the waiter handed them menus, but Hoshi's eyes were already glistening with excitement as he scanned the drink menu. "Look at all these options!" he exclaimed, a playful grin spreading across his face. "I think we should start with something special!"

Woozi rolled his eyes, half-smirking. "We're here to eat, not just to drink, you know." He glanced at Jun, who was already chuckling at Hoshi's enthusiasm.

"Come on, it's just a little fun," Jun said, his own eyes lighting up. "I could go for a drink or two."

Wonwoo, usually the most reserved of the group, raised an eyebrow but didn't protest. "Alright, let's see what they have," he said, curiosity piqued.

As the waiter returned to take their orders, Hoshi confidently ordered a round of cocktails, insisting they needed something to kick off the night. The drinks arrived quickly-colorful, vibrant, and looking delicious. Hoshi raised his glass high. "To a great night!"

The others joined in, clinking their glasses together before taking their first sips. Hoshi savored the taste, his smile widening with every sip. "This is amazing! You guys have to try mine!" he urged, nudging his glass toward Woozi.

As the night progressed, Hoshi's enthusiasm only grew. He ordered another round of drinks, encouraging everyone to join in. Woozi and Jun, swept up in Hoshi's energy, found themselves laughing more than usual, while Wonwoo tried to keep pace, albeit a bit more cautiously.

After a few rounds, the initial buzz of laughter started to intertwine with the effects of the alcohol. Hoshi was animated, gesturing wildly as he recounted an exaggerated story from their recent practice. Jun leaned in, eyes sparkling, as he egged Hoshi on, and Woozi occasionally chimed in with sarcastic remarks that made everyone laugh even harder.

"Are you sure you're okay there, Hoshi?" Wonwoo asked, watching as Hoshi animatedly spilled a bit of his drink onto the table. Hoshi waved him off, too caught up in his own excitement to notice.

"I'm perfectly fine!" Hoshi replied, his voice slightly louder than before. "Just enjoying the moment!"

As the night wore on, the table began to fill with empty glasses. Hoshi's laughter echoed, louder than before, while the other three exchanged glances-half concern, half amusement. Hoshi was definitely enjoying the drinks a bit too much.

"Let's eat something!" Woozi suggested, hoping food might help balance out the alcohol. But Hoshi merely waved his hand dismissively.

"Food can wait! We need another round first!" he insisted, his cheeks flushed and his words slightly slurred.

The waiter returned with their food just as Hoshi was about to order yet another drink. The aroma of the dishes filled the air, momentarily distracting him. "Fine, let's eat!" he finally agreed, though his eyes still lingered on the drink menu.

They dug into their meal, sharing bites and laughter, but Hoshi's focus was clearly split between the delicious food and the allure of another cocktail. Jun leaned over, a mischievous smile on his face. "Just one more, right, Hoshi?"

With a gleam in his eye, Hoshi nodded fervently, his enthusiasm infectious. As the night continued, the laughter and chatter filled the restaurant, a testament to the bond they shared. But somewhere in the background, a flicker of worry began to build among the trio, watching their friend as he poured himself another glass.

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