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Sora and Chishiya walked towards the blimp. Sora couldn't see what game they were dealing with until they were already past the invisible lasers. Sora groaned loudly, "I fucking jinxed it! Jack of Hearts?!" Sora placed his head into his hand as Chishiya snickered at his exclamation. Sora shoved Chishiya, "Not funny!"

"I told you, you do well in Hearts games." Chishiya walked backwards in front of Sora. "You'll know exactly what to do."

"Cute, you're flirting with me." Sora said, both in a joking and serious manner. Sora honestly couldn't tell if Chishiya was. Whatever the case was, Chishiya was telling Sora the truth. Hearts games were his games – he'd know what to do as soon as they entered that building.

Instead of phones, there were collars sitting on the table. It looked like it had a cap of how many people played that specific game. Sora picked up the collar, checking over the back. There was a small screen on the back of the collar – Sora wondered what kind of game they'd be playing with a screen on the back of their neck. He attached the collar around his neck.

There was a bit of space where it didn't feel like it was choking him.

Sora walked behind Chishiya, heading to where they'd meet the others. Sora looked around, "Hello?" he called out. Sora's voice echoed as they looked around a little bit. "Wait, are we in a prison?" Sora hadn't been paying attention to what building they were walking up to. Sora just saw the Jack of Hearts card floating above it.

"Why, what an observation." Chishiya said dryly.

Sora rolled his eyes. "I think we're the first ones here." Sora commented as he gently rubbed his arm. He lifted his sleeve up, seeing that the bandage already needed replacing. "You think they've got supplies here?" Sora questioned.

Chishiya looked over at Sora, seeing the bloody bandage. Without finding something to use for stitches, Sora's wound would get infected. "Let's hope." Chishiya commented as he looked down one of the hallways. "It seems like the fateful game master supplied us with a lot of things already." Chishiya said.

Sora nodded as he lowered his sleeve, "Nothing surprises me anymore." Sora was telling the truth – nothing surprised him at this point. He could see that this game wasn't going to be simple in and out like the other games he played. The face cards were deadlier than that. Sora was just impatient to find out what they'd be doing next after running for their lives back in Shibuya Crossing.

Sora and Chishiya waited around. They explored the prison, seeing what resources they had. Chishiya did find some more bandages, and while they waited, Chishiya changed Sora's dressings. As he did that, Sora heard the footsteps of two people climbing the stairs. He could pick up on the heels that one of them was wearing. Sora looked to the side, seeing the couple enter the prison.

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