Chapter 15

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    Later after the incident, Charlie carried an exhausted Max to her room and placed him in bed. She was relieved that he is safe at home, but was concerned since Max could be known as mortal in hell since Verosika and her friends knew and Val knows, or anyone that Max meant without his disguise.

"Charlie?" Vaggie asked from the door.

"Coming." Charlie quietly says before she tucks Max in under the covers before quietly leaving the bedroom.

"You okay?" Vaggie asked.

"I don't know since we could be in serious trouble since Verosika exposed Max to her friends and not sure who else. If heaven knew, they could take him away from us if Adam finds out about him mortal." Charlie explains while worried.

"Look. I made sure Verosika won't bother us again, and maybe whoever she exposed Max too, don't even care that he is." Vaggie says as she rubs Charlie's back.

"Still, we need to be careful. Until we get heaven to accept my idea, then Max won't have to hide his human self any longer. We just need to get Sera to accept our idea of saving sinners to have a second chance." Charlie explains as her anxiety goes up.

"Relax Charlie, relax. Look, how about you get some rest with Max since it is late already? And I'll go close up the hotel." Vaggie suggested as she escorted her back into the bedroom.

"Alright." Charlie says as she went to bed with Max.

  Vaggie then took a deep breath and decided to pick a bone with Angel over the incident. He headed to his room and kinda aggressively knocked on the door.

  Angel finally answered as he was holding an ice-pack over his head.

"What is it, Vaggie?" He asked.

"Don't what is it, Vaggie me! You know why I'm here!" She shouted while angered.

"Damn. You have to shout?"

"Yes, since you almost got Max killed. Look, I don't know what happened at the store, but you are responsible for Max if he is under your supervision." Vaggie says in a scolding tone.

"My fault?! I was ambushed by Val! I didn't know he would go that far!" Angel defensively says.

"What was the reason?! It's because you aren't careful of what choices you make here!" Vaggie shouted.

"Well, I'm not some kids' babysitter! I have a life!" Angel shouted.

  "A life? You are disrespecting yourself by doing adult porn for an overlord pervert! You need to set boundaries on that! Like making sure Val won't be a problem to you or anyone else that lives in this hotel! Look, you don't have to watch Max anymore since I can't trust you with him anymore! So, you're on thin-ice being kicked out. Just remember this is your last chance to redeem yourself. Remember that." Vaggie explains as she takes a deep breath and leaves his room.

"Yeah?! Why don't you learn how hard Hell is since you haven't been here as long as I am!" Angel shouted back before he walked back into his room.

  He went into his drawer and pulled out a bag of powdered drugs to calm his nerves and snorted it up in his nostrils.

"Ahhh! Hell yeah!" He shouted as he laid down on his bed high on cocaine.

  He picks up his phone and notices the angry messages from Val ,and tries to calmly text him back. He was able to calm Val down after an hour of texting back and forth, but it will take awhile for Val to get over the incident since he was beaten down by a six year old child. But Angel did his best to reason with Val to not hurt Max or expose the secret that he is mortal to everyone in Hell.

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