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I run around my room, trying on different outfits but I like none of them. I need new clothes.

But now's not the time to think about that. Now, I need to get ready. After rifling through my entire closet, now my room looks like a tornado hit it, I find a cute satin dress. I quickly slip into it. I decide to straighten my hair and allow it to flow freely over back. I put on my favorite pair of heels to go with the dress and grab my purse, putting my pink-cased phone inside. Then I speed walk out of my room. I'm already late, I just hope Oliver's not waiting for me.

My brother once again stops me. "Where are you going?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to meet Oliver. We're having dinner."

Rex pinches his brows together, his lips pressed in a thin line, as he asks from his place next to my brother. "So, a date?"

I shake my head. "No, not a date. Just dinner." Oliver is like the brother I didn't even know that I needed until I met him. Of course I have two actual brothers, but Ryan is too old. He's ten years older than me, so he's more of a father than a brother to me. And Aiden, with our two years age difference, is a bully. However, I do know that my Ryan and Aiden love me more than anything else, they're not just the people I can talk to about anything. But Oliver on the other hand, is someone I can talk to about everything, including feelings and emotions, which most boys aren't very good at.

"Dinner with a boy," Aiden scowled while Rex muttered something I couldn't hear.

But I don't have time for this now. "I'm getting late. Bye."

I drive quickly, but not breaking the law or speed limit, and reach the restaurant. The ambience was amazing, which is quite expected because Oliver's family owns the restaurant.

I politely say hi to the receptionist and ask her about our table, then she asks another staff to show me to the table. Oliver is already there waiting for me. "Oliver, I am so sorry," I apologize, pulling away from his bear hug.

"It's alright, you're only ten minutes late." My face heats up in embarrassment. Why does he have to taunt me?

However, soon we're both too caught up in our gossip to notice anything. Oliver tilts his head back and barks out a laugh. His whole body shake with the laugh, attracting attention from the people around us due to his rambunctious laughter. I kick his leg under the table, hoping he would quiet down. And he does, but now he's glaring at me.

He angrily stabs into his lasagna and chomps on it. "Your luck it didn't hurt," he threatens, which doesn't come off as scary as he had wanted because of his pout.

I burst into fits of giggles at his adorable pout, pressing my fist over my mouth as my whole body shakes in laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Oliver grumbles, rolling his eyes. But suddenly his eyes fall on something behind me and they widen comically, sending me over another fits of giggles.

"What's he doing doing here," he whispers furiously to me. That sobers me up, I wipe my tears off, preparing to turn around. But I didn't have to. The thing that offended Oliver comes to stand next to our table.

"Hello, Lily." Rex's deep voice sent a shiver through my whole body. I turn my eyes up from my plate of pasta towards him. He's wearing the same outfit he was wearing at home. A dark green sweater, with the sleeves bunches over his elbows, showing off his thick muscular forearms with veins popping up over his knuckles and wrists through his skin. My veins just hang around creepily under my pale skin. And he paired that sweater with a pair of dark jeans. In conclusion, he looks beautiful.

"Hi, Rex," I answer shyly, my cheeks heating up as he keeps staring at me intensely. His dark, black eyes, gazing right into my soul.

"I wasn't expecting you here," his deep voice rumbled.

"What are you doing here," I ask, trying to appear nonchalant, but failing badly because of my red cheeks.

He shrugged in response, not saying anything. He just grabbed a chair from another table and put it next to mine, making himself comfortable, successfully blocking Oliver from my view. Okay, then.

"You guys don't mind if I join, do you," even though he phrased it like a question, his tone suggests that e don't get a choice.

"No," I squeak, giving Oliver an apologetic look, who just smiled in return.

Rex decided to help me finish off my food, which is great because I was struggling, but he could've asked. What if I wanted to eat all of it?

I sipped on my chilled glass of water as Rex and Oliver continue eating in silence. Rex's presence made the whole situation very awkward. Both Oliver and I were uncomfortable talking in his presence, so a pregnant silence prevailed.

"It's getting late, we should go," Rex spoke up after a while and stood up. He called a waiter and asked for the bill. That makes me and Oliver furrow our brows.

When the waiter arrives with the bill, Rex immediately takes it and starts taking out his wallet. So I place my hand on his wrist to stop him. "You don't have to pay."

"Yeah, please don't. We'll pay," Oliver agrees with a nod.

But Rex wasn't having any of it. He shakes his head, taking out the money. "Allow me."

We both protest some more but it's futile. He doesn't listen to us and forceful pays the bill. "Alright, let's go now, sweetheart." He places a hand between my shoulder blades and guides me outside.

I say bye to Oliver, giving him het another apologetic smile and allow Rex to take me home.

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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