“Where are you going?” Ayaka was standing in front of the entrance of the hotel blocking Raiden.
Raiden; “It doesn’t concern you, I just have somewhere to be for a commission”
Ayaka snorted! “Yeah right, if it truly was a commission, you would be bringing all of us with you.”
Kitayuu and Bennet came out of their rooms woken up by their conversation, “What’s the big deal?” Kitayuu asked.
Raiden turned around angrily, “None of your business”
There was a sudden knock on the door which startled Ayaka a bit, she hopped out the way and opened it and to their surprise Zhongli stood before them with a serious face.
Zhongli; “I hope you are all doing well”
Ayaka nodded, “We just woke up, but yeah definitely feel refreshed”
Zhongli replied, “That’s good to hear, anyways I have a serious question for you guys.”
“Where did you find that scroll?”
Everyone turned to look at Raiden.
Raiden; “From the Abyss mage I fought yesterday of course.”
He crossed his arms, “Can I have it back now?”
Zhongli shook his head, “Unfortunately I can’t give it back to you and I don’t recommend you follow that map…”
Raiden raised an eyebrow, “Why not?”
“All I can say is that it’s dangerous, just continue doing the commissions that were given to you, I have other people dealing with it.”
Raiden; “What? You’re sending people there now?”
Zhongli shook his head, “No, we still need to plan our approach. If there is a place marked on the map and it’s in enemy territory, you can not simply just venture there without preparation, especially if you don’t know what’s waiting there.”
Raiden scoffed, “Fine”
Zhongli gave the group a smile before heading out, “Thanks for understanding” he closed the door and walked away.
Bennet; “Ohhh so Raiden has been keeping secrets from us huh?”
Raiden; “Does it matter? I found the scroll, what gives you the right to know what was there?”
Bennet; “There you go again! We are supposed to be a team here. Stop hiding stuff from us!”
Ayaka stepped in between them, “Enough!”
Bennet screamed, “NO!”
“Raiden if you continue this bullshit, I’ll refuse to work with you for the rest of the time we are here!”
Raiden smirked, “Suit yourself” he bumped Bennet on the way out the door.
Ayaka put a hand on his shoulder stopping him.
Kitayuu; “Just leave it Ayaka, there’s no convincing him.”
Ayaka gave Kitayuu an angry look before turning back to Raiden, “You aren’t going to that spot on the map are you?”
Raiden; “Cuijue Slope? Of course I am! You got a problem?”
“Yes it’s dangerous!” She said, outraged, “Are you stupid?” “There’s barely any people living there as well! It’s just an area full of Hilichurls!”
Raiden shrugged her hand off, “I’d be stupid to let such an opportunity pass, can you imagine what they must be hiding there? It’s gotta be something important. Besides, what are a few Hilichurls gonna do to me? Maybe for your useless asses they’d pose a problem, but it’s just another breeze for me.”