XVI. To Hades's house we go

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Lydia stared up at the sign, and it was hard to believe that a recording studio led to the underworld where many horrors occurred

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Lydia stared up at the sign, and it was hard to believe that a recording studio led to the underworld where many horrors occurred. Yet the front lobby was lit and full of dead people, she guessed. Dead souls who hadn't found their way into the underworld to determine their fate. Lydia readied herself as they approached the doors.

"You guys remember the plan?" Percy asked.

Grover shuddered "The plan. Yeah, i love the plan."

Annabeth agreed "And what if it doesn't work?"

"Guys, as much as i feel the need to turn back around right now. We have to pull it together." Lydia assured them, but she honestly was saying it to assure herself. Was this really happening?

Grover and Annabeth still looked uneasy, but they stood straighter now. Lydia was about to follow them when she saw something from the corner of her eye. It was almost like a glare of the sun, but that couldn't be possible. It was way too dark outside.

She shook off the thought. The lobby of the underworld was not very colorful. The carpet and walls were steel grey, pencil cactuses grew in the corners, the furniture was black. Lydia realized they must've been the brightest thing in the room now.

None of the lost souls talked or did much. They must've been sitting in here so long that they gave up on where'd they'd go. It didn't matter if they were sentenced to Elysium or the fields of asphodel. They were stuck here forever. Lydia kinda felt bad for them.

The security officer finally took notice of them. He was quite tall, and had a businessman vibe about him. The suit definitely came from somewhere in Europe. It looked very expensive. Even the name tag he wore seemed that way.

Percy leaned in to focus on the name tag "You're name is Chiron?"

The security officer smiled coldly. His name was not the same as the famous trainer of heroes. "Hmm, tell me mate. Do i look like a centaur?"

"No.." Grover said.

"Sir." The man added in a smooth toned.

Grover shuddered, and looked at Lydia. She read the name tag this time "Sorry sir, but my friend is really bad at reading. You're Charon, right?"

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