XLI. You don't see, Apollo's right next to you

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A little while later, The hunters set up camp. Seven large tents, all of silver silk, curved in a crescent around one side of a bonfire. One of the girls blew a silver dog whistle, and a dozen white wolves appeared out of the woods. They began circling the camp like guard dogs. The Hunters walked among them and fed them treats, completely unafraid.

Lydia just took a break by one of the tents that didn't have many occupants. Falcons watched us from the trees, their eyes flashing in the firelight. Even the weather seemed to bend to the goddess's will. The air was still cold, but the wind died down and the snow stopped falling, so it was almost pleasant sitting by the fire.

Almost...except for the guilt of Annabeth being gone. Lydia needed some time to put the pieces together of this weird prophecy, so she pulled a journal from her small bag. It was gift from her mother for an early Christmas present. The cover holding it together was thick black leather, a small but detailed carving of a sun in the middle. With all the moons surrounding it.

Lydia hadn't used it yet, but now seemed like a perfect time to do so. She picked up a pencil from her bag and started writing. The facts she knew about the prophecy, the small details in between, the theories she made up about it, and how it all fit together. The gods wasn't making this any easier. So it was up to her now.

The prophecy started out when Apollo saved her from Ares, and he had told her just a little bit of what he knew. Before they went their own ways until the following October. When Lydia was taken to see the three fates. And they had revealed the prophecy before her. She could still remember the voices.

"The daughter of wine goes and finds her true love's mind, being the first since ancient times to be his confine. But even through the golden light, she'll have a future darker than night. A mistake to be born that has a worn a crown of old. And her soul shall be torn."

The thought still crowded the back of her mind. Yet it didn't help that Artemis gave her a confusing warning earlier when Annabeth fell off of the cliff.

"This is not your time to fight, Lydia" Artemis glared at her "I apologize, but you must understand what the fates have in store for you. Becoming a part of this group was not meant for you. You were never supposed to be here."

It didn't make sense at all, but speaking of the wilderness goddess. One of her hunters, Zoe Nightshade approached Lydia. She stared at her "Come with me, Lydia Winslow. Lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee."

Lydia nodded, putting her things away before getting up. She understood what Zoe meant. But her old English talk made it a little confusing. Zoe led Lydia to the last tent, which looked no different from the others, and waved her inside. Bianca di Angelo was seated next to the auburn-haired girl, which was Artemis.

The inside of the tent was warm and comfortable. Silk rugs and pillows covered the floor. In the center, a golden brazier of fire seemed to burn without fuel or smoke. Behind the goddess, on a polished oak display stand, was her huge silver bow, carved to resemble gazelle horns. The walls were hung with animal pelts: black bear, tiger, and several others Lydia didn't recognize.

"Join us, Lydia Winslow," the goddess said.

Lydia sat across from her on the tent floor.

"The bond between twins is different than any other bond. And even if one's twin is ridiculously immature." Artemis spoke to her "But i don't want to make this conversation any more awkward than I wanted it to be. You understand?"

Lydia nodded "I-"

"My brother is widely known for past relationships. Apollo loves more fiercely than the rage of Achilles when he lost Patroclus. Yet he cares much about all his relationships. And it always goes devastatingly for him." Artemis continued, still looking at Lydia. "He focuses too much on it, and as his twin I cannot see him like this much longer. So what i am asking is, whether you can help him or not? I know Mortals are accustomed to worrying for a relative when their heart starts to show."

Lydia started fidgeting with her bracelets. The one thing she couldn't stand was how hard it was for her to express her emotions. Well, she could explain rage pretty well. But definitely not love or any types of affection.

She's only known the sun god since her quest to find Zeus's bolt. Their first meeting was a bit awkward waking up on Olympus to see him looking at you. But overtime, Lydia has felt more comfortable talking with Apollo. He seemed to understand her a lot better than others.

Yet the fates were pressuring their relationship, and it's all Lydia thought about when she talked to him. But when she was overthinking, Apollo helped her relax and find ways to feel again. The sun god really cared about her.

Lydia wasn't used to this type of bond with someone. She'd never cared much for relationships or anything. She didn't want it until she knew she was happy enough. But being with Apollo made her think differently. He made her want something with him.

And it wasn't just romantic or intimate either, but it was beyond their souls. Even if they still needed to learn more about each other. Lydia could already feel he was something for her. It may seem cliche, but she still absolutely felt that way about him. She'd always be willing to learn more about his personality and thoughts.

Even if it wasn't now, they'd hold onto to eachother. So that's exactly what Lydia told the goddess. From Artemis's side, Zoe's eyes widened.

"I sense truth here." Artemis sighed "And I believe that one day, he'll no longer have to deal with the curse of never holding his own. You can work with that, yes?"

Lydia finally met her eyes again "Even after what I just said, which was nothing but the truth. I'm just not sure if I would be worth it all."

"How so?"

Lydia took a deep breath "I just sometimes think that all the things I've been through won't be worth the future sometimes. Like what if karma bites me in the ass? And things will just get worse. My anger is probably not a good thing for Apollo-"

Artemis laughed "You think your anger will hurt my brother? Well, it might. But Lydia..Apollo's anger is why the Romans feared him. At best they feared him more than our father Zeus. They changed most of our names and personalities, but Apollo stayed the same."

Lydia barely cared to remember the Roman times, but she did recognize that. The Romans changed a lot of the Olympians's names. Zeus was Jupiter, Artemis was Diana, Dionysus was Bacchus, but Apollo was still Apollo.

"They were afraid of his Plagues?" Lydia asked.

"Exactly that." Artemis nodded "But I didn't mean to put pressure on you by talking about this. It just had to be brought up one way or another. And I believe you do feel things for him."

"I understand, Lady Artemis." Lydia's mouth twitched into a small smile. "Thank you."

The goddess shrugged "Not a problem, but speaking of my brother. I must call upon him."

The goddess stood up, and Lydia followed her outside with the hunters. She averted my eyes, and saw that the other kids were doing the same. The light and warmth intensified until her winter coat felt like it was melting off. Then suddenly the light died.

Lydia was already expecting the burst of heat, but not the car Apollo was driving. She always imagined it to always be a golden chariot. But with the modern times, obviously he chose to make it look like a red convertible Maserati. The sun god got out of the car.

He had a smug smile on his face like always, and he looked the same as when Lydia left him hours earlier. Apollo nodded towards her. Not making things so obvious.

"Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot."

Lydia's face went red, inclined to agree "And he definitely knows it too."

But their moment was ruined when Percy decided to jump in the conversation. He looked confused at the both of them.

"He's the sun god," Percy said.

"That's not what I meant."

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