XXI. The fates fuck me sideways

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Apollo paced around the hallway outside of his room, where Lydia slept soundly on his bed sheets

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Apollo paced around the hallway outside of his room, where Lydia slept soundly on his bed sheets. She was too tired from the stressful morning. It wasn't even ten in the day and she already learned of another dangerous prophecy. Apollo felt horrible that he made her see the fates like that. He shouldn't have been so pushy about a stupid prophecy, just because it involved him.

The sun god met himself in a mirror, but his reflection broke when he punched the glass. Yet his fist wasn't even cut or bruised. Glass fell at his feet meaning that the mirror was no more. He didn't bother, only because there were an infinite amount of mirrors for the gods to stare at themselves in. Apollo noticed the glass was gone after a moment.

Lydia picked up the glass shards, they piled up in her palm in a placement where they would not cut through her skin. "I get wanting to punch and throw things, but sometimes it never makes a difference in how I feel."

Apollo sighed "Then what does?"

"I dunno, you're not human so i'm not sure what works for you. But you shouldn't be angry at a prophecy" Lydia handed the glass shards to him "Especially this one. I'll be dead by the time you realize, and I think something like that happens a lot to you."

Apollo was surprised "But this prophecy is about you too. What are you even saying?"

"I'm just saying that it won't even matter until the time comes I guess" Lydia told him, but she was just lying to herself. She didn't want to admit that she was worried about it. Apollo could see that too as a god. He respected that she didn't want to talk more yet, and he kept himself from asking.

The sun god looked at the clock on the wall, he needed to return Lydia back to the mortal world soon. Still, he had one more thing to do. He pulled something out of his jeans pocket "Here, it's my gift to you."

Lydia felt Apollo put the gift in her palm, where a chain necklace with an amber stone hanging from the end lay. She looked up at the god as she put the necklace around her neck "Thank you, Apollo." She smiled.

He returned the smile "For now, Lydia."

Lydia was sent back to the mortal world in a flash, but the only thing she could think about was the sun god and the prophecy she had with him. It felt weird because she always hated books where a king or some famous person fell in love with the girl who tried to be unknown and weird as possible. But now, Lydia felt biased. The fates were obvious about what would happen to her and Apollo.

Everyone knew it was a bad idea to avoid the words spoken by the fates. Yet Lydia wasn't really sure if this was right for her. Apollo was nice and very concerned about her, and she was okay with having him around. She just needed more time to know what she wanted to do. Was thirteen even the right time to fall in love?

This was all Lydia thought about during the next months ahead, the only break she got was during Christmas. Then she continued to spend time working at school. She didn't get to see Apollo during these times though. She wondered if he was staying away because he knew her thoughts on the prophecy. She sighed "Why can't I just think?"

Lydia wasn't much of a self talker, but lately she needed something to distract her. A meow came from the other side of her bed, her favorite pet saw how stressed she was. He walked over with his green collar jingling, and he started to fall asleep on her lap. It was like he wanted her to put down the history worksheets and scratch his ears.

The cat was a lot more muscular than fat. He had been out on the streets when Lydia adopted him, and he seemed about eight years old or so by his size. His fur was mostly white except for the middle part on his back where regular tabby fur replaced the white. His eyes were also a gorgeous green, but sometimes yellow depending on the lighting.

Lydia felt bad for leaving her cat behind when she left all those years ago, but now she made it up to him. The cat had been named Zeus. She named him that before she discovered who she was, but that was his name because of the little white spot on his dark ears that resembled a lightning bolt striking something. It seemed weird to call him that after meeting the king of Olympus last summer.

Still, she ended up falling asleep with her cat later that night. Nightmares no longer came to her. Which was really weird, but she was happy to not wake up in a panic anymore. Soon enough Lydia woke up to the golden sun shining lightly through her blinds. This time the bright light didn't burn her eyes. She supposed Apollo had something to do with that.

It was the morning of May 26th, her fourth day of summer already. She got ready for the day and changed into her camp outfit. Her mother would be driving her back to camp, as upset as she was to see her daughter leave again. "It's okay, mom" Lydia told her "I'll be fine, and i'm coming back at the end of July."

Allison Winslow sniffled "I know, but I just can't lose you again. And-- Hold on, where is that from?"

Lydia realized her mom was talking about the necklace she got from Apollo. She'd been wearing it since the day he gave it to her, but her mom only just now noticed it. The amber stone glowed slightly in the light of the morning sun. "It was a gift from a friend at school."

Her mother didn't speak again for a while, and she took Lydia to the car for camp half blood. The sun's golden light faded in the hours after. Although it felt like the sun was following their car, keeping a close watch for monsters or anything that was a threat. Lydia clutched her stone necklace. Apollo, why do you care so much for a stupid girl you barely know?

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