21. Won't Recognise!

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Author's POV

Marona stared at him blankly and Mikhail was waiting for the answer.
She mumbled. She couldn't understand why he was asking about them out of the blue.

Mikhail grabbed her hair and placed them back on her sexy back.
He pulled her closer and made her rest her head on his chest.
"Do they know that you got married again?"

Marona rested on his rock hard chest and he rested his hand around her waist while waiting for the answer.
"They don't know that I am married."
She fiddled with her fingers nervously.

Mikhail didn't react, he just looked at the ocean which was now the colour of night.
"Tell me about it."

Marona tried to shift in his hold but his hand was firm around her.
"I think you already know about it. Why would you bring out the topic otherwise?"
She mumbled, knowing that he had done his homework.

Mikhail smirked while grabbing the scarf and covered her lower body as it started getting windy slowly and she felt something in her stomach when he did that small gesture.
"You don't have to think about what I know... You just worry about what will happen if my knowing doesn't match your telling."
He placed a kiss on back of her head and she knows that it's not loving but threatening.
"I don't like when someone lies to me."

Marona gulped while playing with the corner of her scarf with her nervous fingers.
"I haven't seen my parents since I was ten years old... They left in search of a job and a strong ambition to do something big. In that struggle they forgot their daughter who was left behind... One phone call once in a year, that's it. Not even a video call, they are that busy. They don't even know how I look... If we ever cross paths then they will not recognise me as their daughter."

Mikhail was listening to her while playing with her smooth silky hair.

Marona sighed, realising that he won't stop just with this.
"I was living with my grandmother who is blind since birth... She is very loving and caring. She gave me all the love and care which my parents couldn't... But her health started getting bad with old age so I had to admit her to the facility where she is being taken good care of and I came to the city to complete my education and find a good job which will help me to take care of her..."

"You love your grandmother and she isn't aware of your marriage whether it's the first one or second?"
He questioned.

She nodded confidently.
"I wanted to tell her but her health was not good and I couldn't tell her that Laurence was from the Mafia family... If I would have told her his name then she would have started searching more for him for the sake of my safety and I didn't want her to put in that worries so I decided to not tell her until she is fit to understand me but I guess I have more things to explain to her now... And my parents just don't care so I didn't bother to inform them."

"Fair enough!"
He nodded.

She waited for more questions but he didn't ask any and she didn't bother to answer anything else. They just sat there, looking at the sea.

After sometime he decided to go inside and she followed him.
"I don't have clothes to wear"
She asked hesitantly as they walked inside.

"You don't need any until we are here."
He smirked and she looked at him in disbelief.

She has understood that it's his private island and that's why they are roaming around naked or else he would have not allowed it.

Marona shook her head with a sigh and took a shower. She opened her bag to search for something decent but all lingeries were too revealing and uncomfortable for her to wear in front of him.
The bathrobe was wet too.

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