Chapter 12

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I was walking around the far end of the hall, occasionally greeting and chatting with the few people that approached me. I arrived here 30 minutes ago, I'm waiting for my opportunity.

I walked towards the bar, hoping to at least find him there. I looked around a bit but didn't find him.

I sat down on one of the stools, in front of the bar and I ordered red wine. Look, I'm not trying to get drunk on the job, I ordered something that has the least amount of alcohol.

This is so boring! Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me my target is the most extroverted motherfucker on this planet! He's greeting almost everyone, doesn't he take a break?! I thought as I sipped on the wine.

One thing he knows how to do right is buying delicious wine. This stuff is good! I wonder what brand? Anyway, in the corner of my eye I saw him sit down a seat away from me on my left. Perfect.

Finally! I exposed my leg a little more, and hopefully I was acting like a desperate bitch. A shy-ish one.

He looked at me but I quickly looked away, turning to the bartender.

"Um, may I please have another glass of red wine?" I asked in a fake Russian accent. If you're asking 'why Russian?', I don't know either.

"Uh... that will be on me. And a Bourbon for me." My target said. What was his name again? Anthony- no, Arnold- no, Asshole- Yes, but no.

I turned to look at him, he was blonde with shit-brown eyes. He smiled displaying his yellow teeth, a smoker too. Ugh! I hate this already.

(A/n: No offense to people with brown eyes. I have them too. It's just fiction)

I smiled back at him seductively. "You didn't have to buy the drink for me."

"No, as a gentleman, I should." The bartender handed us our drinks.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm André Smith, the host of this party. And you are?" He spoke.

"I'm Katryna Ivanov. I'm 17. Lovely to meet the owner of this lovely house." I sipped on the wine.

"Thank you. I'm sorry to ask but who invited you? You are so young, you must be here under supervision." He asked faking confusion but I could see a slight smirk on his face. I could see the lust in his eyes. Ewww!

"My father was supposed to be here to discuss potential business with you but he couldn't make it. So he sent me." I answered.

"Santo Ivanov? So no one is with you?"

"Yes. He's my father. No, just me."

Of course that's the cover name we gave the fake father. I thought.

"Why didn't you say so? Let's go to my office to discuss." He more than eagerly grabbed my arm and dragged me to his office. But I'm not complaining, easier for me.

"Are you sure we're 'discussing business' only?" I asked innocently yet seductively.

My question was answered when we made it to his office/bedroom, he locked the door and pushed me up against the wall trailing kisses down my neck. Gross.

"No." I felt him smirk against my skin. One of his hands slid down to my butt and he squeezed it. I swear I need a raise for this, this is disgusting.

But I played along, acting like I enjoyed this as much as he did. His other hand made it to the slit opening and trailed his fingers up and down my leg.

He picked me up and walked towards the bed in the room and placed me on while he was on top of me. Okay, that's enough!

I flipped us over and smirked. "In my country women are not so submissive, darling." I whispered in his ear and kissed down his neck.

One of his disgusting hands made it's way to my chest and grabbed my boob, while the other grabbed the seam/edge of my underwear. Are you fucking kidding me?!

While he was distracted, I took one of the hidden hairpins in my hair and stabbed him in the neck. I smirked at the shock in his face.

"Alright. Enough, I feel like I need to bleach my body and eyes to forget about this." I stated getting off the bed.

"Wh-what... do you... want? Who... se-sent... you?" He choked out.

"A friend of mine. Leone Richard. You might know him, you owe him money. So do you have it?" I raised an eyebrow as he tried to get up from the bed causing him to fall down, the hairpin going further into his neck.

He gasped for air. "Please... give me.... more.... time. I'll give... him.... the money.... Time." He pathetically begged.

"I'm afraid time is the one thing you don't have. You've made countless people suffer, including that fiancée of yours. Fiona is it."

"She'll be happy hearing about this, she did after all make you sign marriage papers without your consent. And with you no longer having family members, everything automatically goes to her name."

His eyes widened hearing this. "And I hope she raises that little bastard in her belly to not be like his/her father, otherwise they'll die the same fate."

I had enough of his pathetic cries and pleads. I took one of the knives in my holster and stabbed him in his chest, he started coughing up more blood.

Before he died, I drew my signature rose on his arm with my knife. I made sure I looked presentable and walked out the room, if my men played their part then the security cameras were 'malfunctioning' this whole time.

I quickly exited the venue unnoticed. I asked one of my men to take the payment in my place. I had to go home.


It was 4 a.m. and I was home, taking a nap. The mission was enough to make me feel exhausted.

I already took a much deserved shower, scrubbing off the shithead's touch off of me. I changed into comfortable clothes to rest.


I was woken up by someone jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes to see my little cousin, Luca.

"Vuka! Vuka! Vuka! Mzala! Dadewethu! Sisi!..." He continued but stopped once he saw that I was awake.

(Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Cousin! Sister! Sister!...)

"Ufunani?" I asked him tiredly. He just grinned and hugged me once I sat up.

(What do you want?)

"uMa, asked me to wake you up. She wanted to know if you'd like to help make breakfast." He giggled. Seriously, this kid.

"Ngizomutshela uMa wako. Is a bed made for jumping now? Sei così cattivo." I started tickling him.

(I'm going to tell your mum.)
(You're so bad/naughty)

He started laughing. He's so freaking adorable, I love him. I wonder if he'd like to meet the twins one day.

"No, please don't tell uMa wami. She'll hit me with the wooden spoon or worse. I'll be good." He managed to say that while laughing and I stopped tickling him.

몇 시예요? (myeot si-ye-yo?) I asked myself.

(What time is it?)

"Luca, what time is it?" I asked him.

"It's 6 a.m. And call me Siya."

"Why are you awake then?"

"Ma, asked me the same thing but she let it go. Now, come on or she'll hit me with her slipper." I took my hand and dragged me downstairs.


Hello loves. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I tried. I said I'd update, I did. Anyways, please show some love and support by voting and commenting.

Much love 😘

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