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Name: Zane Drakos
Alias: Void

Appearance: Zane is in his late twenties with sharp, angular features, dark hair slicked back, and piercing amber eyes. He has a lean, athletic build. His presence is commanding, exuding confidence and danger.

Powers: Zane has the ability to manipulate darkness, creating "voids" where he can teleport short distances, suffocate light, or trap others in stifling blackness. He can also bend shadows to form weapons or defenses, making him both a strategic and deadly foe. His powers are most effective at night or in dimly lit areas, where he becomes almost unstoppable.

Personality: Void is cold, calculating, and pragmatic. His calm demeanor can be unnerving, as he rarely shows emotion, which makes it hard for anyone to predict his next move. Beneath his calm exterior, however, there is a deep sense of isolation and bitterness from a past betrayal that drove him to villainy. Despite his ruthlessness, Void is fiercely intelligent, always planning two steps ahead and willing to exploit any weakness.

Name: Ethan Reyes
Alias: Blaze

Appearance: Ethan is in his early twenties, with tousled brown hair that falls just above his eyes, which are a striking, warm hazel. He has an athletic but lean build. He has a carefree, rebellious vibe, but there's an intensity in his eyes that hints at his inner struggles.

Powers: Blaze has the ability to generate and control fire. His powers range from creating small flames to large, destructive fire blasts. He can also use his heat powers to fly by propelling himself with bursts of flame from his feet or hands. However, his abilities are directly linked to his emotional state, so if his emotions become overwhelming, his flames can become unstable and dangerous.

Personality: Ethan is fiercely loyal to the hero and has a strong sense of justice, but he often feels overshadowed and frustrated by his role as the "sidekick." He's brash and hot-headed (fitting for his fire powers), often acting impulsively and charging into situations without fully thinking them through. Despite his fiery temper, he has a good heart and genuinely wants to help people, though his insecurities make him doubt his own worth and capability. He's charming, with a snarky sense of humor, but uses his sarcasm to mask deeper feelings of inadequacy

Name: Asher Calloway
Alias: Titan

Appearance: Asher is in his early thirties, with short, sandy blonde hair, a strong jawline, and striking blue eyes that convey authority and charisma. He has a muscular, athletic build that reflects his role as a leader and protector. His overall look is polished and heroic, embodying the "golden boy" image of a perfect superhero.

Powers: Titan has super strength, near invulnerability, and the ability to create force fields. These fields can be used defensively or to trap enemies, giving him both offensive and protective abilities. He also has enhanced stamina and durability, making him incredibly difficult to defeat in battle. While he doesn't have the flashiest powers, his strength and leadership skills make him a powerful symbol of hope.

Personality: Asher is the classic hero type-noble, brave, and always willing to put others before himself. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and takes his responsibilities very seriously. Despite his outward confidence, he's often burdened by the expectations placed upon him and the pressure to always make the right decisions. He can be a bit too idealistic, believing in the strict moral code of heroes, which sometimes makes him rigid or out of touch with more complex situations. As a result, he can come across as self-righteous or unwilling to bend the rules, even when it would benefit those around him.

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