Chapter Eighty: Revelations

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The weeks had passed in a blur, marked by silent tensions and unspoken truths. Rhea had done her best to adjust to the idea of Zane and Ethan being together, though her feelings remained tangled and conflicted. It wasn't easy, accepting that the person she trusted the most was now in a relationship with someone she'd always considered their enemy. But she was trying-mostly for Zane's sake.

Zane, on the other hand, had been a constant presence at Ethan's side. Their relationship, though unconventional and complicated, had strengthened. Each encounter was a mix of sarcasm, tenderness, and stolen moments of genuine connection. And despite the danger of being caught, neither of them was willing to let go.

But amidst the growing bond between them, the distance between Ethan and Asher had only widened. Asher's hatred for Zane had become a near-constant topic of conversation, his words sharp and unforgiving. And it was becoming increasingly difficult for Ethan to keep his emotions in check.


The base was quiet that afternoon, the usual hum of activity reduced to a muted calm. Asher, Jonah, and Ethan were gathered around a central table, papers and blueprints scattered between them. They were supposed to be discussing the latest patrol routes and mission strategies, but the conversation had taken a familiar turn.

"I don't understand why he's always in the picture," Asher muttered, his brows furrowed in irritation. "Every single time there's trouble, it's like he's there-lurking, waiting to cause more chaos."

Jonah glanced at Ethan, concern flickering in his eyes, but he kept quiet. He knew better than to interrupt when Asher was on one of his anti-Zane tirades.

Ethan clenched his jaw, his hands gripping the edge of the table. "You don't even know him."

Asher's eyes snapped to Ethan, his expression incredulous. "Know him? Know him? Ethan, he's a villain. That's all I need to know. The guy's a menace, and I can't for the life of me understand why you're so quick to defend him."

"Maybe because he's not as bad as you think!" Ethan shot back, his voice rising. "Have you ever stopped to think that maybe-just maybe-he's more than what you see on the surface?"

Asher scoffed, disbelief etched across his face. "Oh, right. Let's ignore the fact that he's responsible for half the damage in the city. Let's just pretend he's some misunderstood, troubled soul."

"Maybe he is!" Ethan's voice cracked with the force of his frustration. He could feel his control slipping, anger bubbling up like a volcano on the verge of eruption. "You don't know what he's been through, what he's still going through."

Jonah shifted uncomfortably, casting a worried glance between the two. "Guys, let's just take a step back, okay? We're supposed to be-"

"Stay out of this, Jonah," Asher snapped, his gaze never leaving Ethan. He stepped closer, his stance rigid with barely-contained anger. "What I don't get is why you're defending him so much. It's like every time I bring him up, you get... protective."

Ethan took a deep breath, his hands trembling. He couldn't do this anymore-couldn't keep pretending like there wasn't more to his defense of Zane. Asher's accusations, his constant disdain for the man Ethan loved-it was tearing him apart.

"How can you be so sure?" Asher demanded, his voice low and fierce. "How can you be so damn sure that he's not as bad as I think?"

"Because I know him!" Ethan shouted, his voice echoing through the empty base. Silence fell, thick and oppressive, and Ethan felt the weight of his own words crashing down around him. He sucked in a shaky breath, his heart racing.

Asher stared at him, his expression frozen in shock. "What... what do you mean, you know him?"

Ethan's chest tightened, the air feeling suffocatingly heavy. He glanced at Jonah, who looked as if he were holding his breath, and then back to Asher. There was no going back now. No more hiding.

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