Chapter Fourteen: In the shadows

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The early hours of dawn brought a fragile calm to the city, its sprawling streets washed in pale, silvery light. Ethan moved through his morning routine with mechanical precision—his muscles flexing and coiling as he pushed through his usual workout, sweat glistening on his skin. Each movement was deliberate, each breath measured, but his mind wasn’t fully on the training.

It had been over a week since he’d last seen Zane. Not for lack of trying. Night after night, he’d retraced his steps, lingered in the dark alleys and forgotten corners where they usually crossed paths. But Zane was nowhere to be found. There was no sign of the sharp-tongued, elusive man who had slipped through Ethan’s grasp more times than he could count.

And for some reason, that left a gnawing emptiness in Ethan’s chest.

“Focus, Ethan,” he muttered to himself, forcing his legs through another set of lunges. “You’re not here to worry about—” He cut himself off with a frustrated exhale. What am I even doing? He’s not… He’s not anything to me.

Ethan shook his head, as if he could dislodge the thoughts crowding his mind, and pushed himself harder. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his muscles burned, but the familiar pain was a welcome distraction. A reminder of what was real.


Later That Day

The briefing room at headquarters buzzed with quiet conversations as agents milled about, exchanging notes and updates. Ethan sat in his usual spot, his gaze flicking between the mission files in front of him and his two friends, Asher and Jonah, who were deep in discussion.

“…makes sense to split up the surveillance teams,” Asher was saying, his voice thoughtful. “We can cover more ground that way.”

Jonah nodded, but his sharp gaze slid over to Ethan, lingering. “Ethan, you’ve been a bit quiet today. What’s going on?”

“Hmm?” Ethan blinked, snapping out of his thoughts. “Oh, sorry. Just… distracted, I guess.”

Asher’s brow furrowed slightly, concern flashing in his eyes. “Distracted, huh? By what—or who?”

Ethan’s jaw tightened, but he forced a casual shrug. “Just this whole mess we’re dealing with. Feels like there’s something big coming, and I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

Jonah exchanged a look with Asher, then leaned forward, his expression gentling. “You sure that’s all it is? You’ve seemed off lately. If there’s anything you want to talk about…”

“No, it’s nothing like that,” Ethan interrupted, a strained smile tugging at his lips. “Just a feeling.”

“Your feelings are usually spot on,” Asher murmured. “Trust them. If you think something’s up, we need to be on high alert.”

“Yeah.” Ethan nodded slowly, grateful for the support, but his mind was already drifting again. Where are you, Zane?


Night had fallen by the time Ethan finally slipped back into his uniform, the comforting weight of the tactical gear settling over his shoulders like an old friend. He moved through the city’s backstreets with the ease of someone who knew every corner, every crevice. Patrols were always a solitary affair—just the way he liked it. It gave him space to think, to process, and tonight… he needed that space more than ever.

But even so, his thoughts kept circling back to one face.

Ethan paused at the mouth of an alley, his eyes scanning the dimly lit stretch of pavement before him. Something felt off. A flicker of movement caught his attention—a shadow shifting near the far end of the alley.

Frowning, he crept closer, his senses on high alert. The figure huddled against the wall wasn’t moving much. There was something strangely familiar about the way they slouched, the fall of their shoulders…

Ethan’s breath caught in his throat as he realized who it was.


He hurried forward, his heart hammering in his chest. As he got closer, he could see the state Zane was in—disheveled hair, his face bruised and swollen, his eyes glazed over with a dazed, almost lost look. The smell of alcohol was heavy in the air, mixing with something sharper, more acrid.

“Zane!” Ethan crouched beside him, worry lacing his voice. “What the hell happened to you?”

Zane’s head lolled to the side, his gaze sluggishly focusing on Ethan. A faint, almost bitter smile curved his lips. “Ethan… Huh. Fancy meeting you here.”

“You’re… you’re drunk.” Ethan’s voice was laced with disbelief. “Or worse. What did you—?”

“Does it matter?” Zane slurred, his words thick and unsteady. “Why are you even here, huh? Shouldn’t you be out… saving the world or whatever it is you do?”

“Zane…” Ethan swallowed hard, a mix of anger and concern roiling in his gut. “Why are you doing this? You’ve been gone for days. I thought—”

“You thought what?” Zane snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. “Thought I’d disappeared? Thought I’d finally gotten tired of your stupid, do-gooder act?”

Ethan flinched, but he didn’t move away. He couldn’t. Not when Zane looked like he was about to crumble apart right in front of him.

“Come on,” he murmured softly, reaching out to touch Zane’s arm. “Let me help you. We need to get you somewhere safe—”

“No!” Zane jerked away, his eyes blazing with a sudden, wild anger. “Don’t you get it, Ethan? I don’t need your help. I don’t need—” His voice broke, and for a second, something raw and unguarded flashed across his face.

Ethan stared at him, his chest tight with confusion and a fierce, inexplicable pain. “Zane, please… Just tell me what’s going on.”

But Zane only laughed, the sound hollow and broken. “What’s going on?” he echoed, his voice dripping with mockery. “I’ll tell you what’s going on. You’re a fool, Ethan. A stupid, naive fool. And one day, all that trust you have… it’s gonna get you killed.”

Ethan’s throat tightened. “Why are you saying this?”

“Because it’s true,” Zane whispered, leaning forward until their faces were inches apart. “You can’t save everyone, Ethan. And you sure as hell can’t save me.”

Their gazes locked, and for a long, breathless moment, neither of them moved. Ethan’s heart pounded in his ears, his thoughts a chaotic whirl of emotions he couldn’t name.

Then, slowly, he reached out again, his fingers brushing against Zane’s shoulder.

“Maybe I can’t,” he said softly. “But I’m still gonna try.”

Zane stared at him, his expression wavering, something like desperation flickering in his eyes. And then, before Ethan could react, he crumpled forward, collapsing against Ethan’s chest.

Ethan caught him instinctively, holding him close, feeling the rapid, uneven thrum of Zane’s heartbeat against his own.

For a long time, they stayed like that—Zane’s breath hitching in ragged gasps, Ethan’s arms wrapped around him in a protective, unyielding embrace.

And in the silence of that darkened alley, Ethan made a promise.

I won’t let you fall apart, Zane. No matter what it takes.

But as he cradled Zane’s trembling form, a small, nagging fear whispered at the edges of his mind.

What if it’s already too late?

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