Your first date with James (Bucky) Barnes

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It was 1943 and the cutest boy in town had asked you on a date. You had known him since you were small but now with the war looming in you had all come to the realisation that you were all now becoming adults and children no more.

Most of the local boys were signed up to leave any day now so the Stark Expo was one of the last events they could attend. And dare I say it have some fun.. As for you, you were all signed up for nursing duties. Your mother always said you were a kind soul so you wanted to help in anyway you could. You might not be allowed to fight for your country (you would if you could) but this is the next best way you could think of doing your part. To help soldiers coming back from the dreadful war and making sure their wounds were tended to.

You were nervous about going on this date, you weren't even sure it was a date. Did he actually like you or was this just someone to invite along. Any how you were very fond of James (Bucky was his nickname) Barnes and couldn't think of anyone you would rather be asked on a date by.

You had already picked out your outfit, recently bathed and were currently fixing you hair with the help of you mother. She herself had married a soldier in your father who had been injured in war, maybe this was another thing that made you want to do nursing.

You didn't come from a lot of money but were a keen seamstress, so all the clothes you wore were handmade. You had chosen one of your favourite pieces which was a deep red, almost the colour of blood. Looking upon it now you thought it might be in bad taste so went back to your dresses to find a more cheery one. There would be time to wear the other dress.. So you decided on a pale pink number, cutesy and fun. Just how you wanted James to remember you. It was made of some old curtains your mother had years previously so had some lovely floral patterns on.

You wanted to make an effort to be glamorous so had decided to try the style of victory rolls which you had been seeing everywhere recently. Luckily your mother was a dab hand at hair and you have the most beautiful long blonde locks which suited the style amazingly. That along with simple eye liner and a shade of lip to match your dress you felt so womanly staring in the mirror. This was a very new, grown up look for you.

'Simply stunning my dear', you mother gestered with wide arms. After a quick hug she pulled you down the stairs into the front room to be examined by your father before you left.

He was sitting in his armchair reading a newspaper with a pipe like you would usually find him in the evening of any day. 'Arthur, see what beauty our dear child looks this evening for her date'

'Mother', you blush. 'It is not a date, rather just some friends catching up before they depart for the war. A hopeful goodbye you could say'

'Hopeful you say?' your father questioned pulling forward his newspaper to peer at you.

'With the hope they will all return from the war father' you replied softly, not sure what kind of mood he is in.

'Aww' he replied, gently folding his newspaper and putting that and his pipe on the side table. 'Well let's have a look at you'

You move over to him as directed by your mother's nod and assuring arm.

You felt nervous, for he wasn't one to really examine you up close like this. He pulled his glasses forward as to see over them and circled around you.

'I must say, you polish up rather beautifully. My little girl is turning into quite the lady of the town. You best be careful of these young men. That they don't try to have their way with you before they leave. There will be no heir making this evening' he said, but only half seriously. You hoped at least.

'Father.. what do you take me for?' you said as you grew closer to him and outstretched your arms like when you were a child. Hugging like this was a lot less common as you were getting older. 'It isnt you I worry about' he says softly.

With that the bell on the door chimes. It's exactly 8 oclock which is when Bucky said he would come to get you.

Your mother exits the room to answer it. Your father close behind, but not before turning to you and saying, 'I shall decide for myself..'

You waited nervously in the front room as you could hear your mother politely answer the door, 'Dear James, how wonderful to see you. You look rather fetching in your uniform'

'Thank you Mrs Baker.' It sounded like he was about to continue then you heard your father, in a more stern voice than usual. 'So young James, you are here to take my daughter out for the evening?

'That is correct Mr Baker', you heard him reply.

'Is that not a soldier's uniform you wear?', he sounded very serious.

'Uh, it is...', you heard James stutter.

'Then you will do well to address me with rank soldier!', your father barked at him.

'My most sincere apology, I wasn't sure of your rank and didn't want to insult you. Please inform me and I will never make the mistake again..', he pleaded with him.

'Captain Baker', he replies a little softer, almost accepting of his apology.

'Captain Baker, I am sorry of the insult. Please may I ask for your forgiveness and your permission to still accompany your daughter out this evening' you could hear Bucky's voice almost croaking with the pressure. You can only assume your father is starring at him sternly again.

He was silent for a moment. You moved towards the door way but still out of Bucky's sight. Your father glancing sidewards aware of your presence.

'You may..'

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