Agent of SHEILD

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What happened next was a blur.. punches, kicks, slaps, knives, sticks, it was hard to keep up. But it hurt, more than any kind of pain you'd felt before. Half because you also felt humiliated and alone as they laughed at you on the floor covered in your own blood. In that moment you made a promise to yourself that if you should make it through you will never feel like this again. You swore to yourself to take all measures necessary.

The torture felt like days but when they eventually left you just curled up into a ball. Wishing for all the pain to go away you squeeze onto your knees, eventually drawing blood. The darkness crept in and your body needed the rest so you calmed into sleep.

You woke up to the door being opened by keys. It was the same people back again, you didn't have the strength for this...yet. But they weren't here with weapons. One came behind you and held you down as two others fought to handcuff your hands whilst the other watches on. The force you up and out along the corridor to a room with a few buckets of water and what seemed like food and drink.

They threw you to the floor. The main person was a tall, weedy character, not unlike your uncle. Had the same greasy hair and unkind face. Maybe you were related too??! Anyway he barked at the others to leave, they locked the door behind them.

He took a stall from the corner and brought it over to sit down in front of you. He moved the tray over to you and gestered, 'Please.. eat something'.

You looked up at him, half defeated and half detest. You were not hungry, even though you had no idea the last time you had eaten. All you could taste was the metal of blood. You swirl it around your mouth and spit it out onto the tray. Then return to starring at him, this time with full hatred.

'Why would I take anything you offer me?', you mumble in a dark voice.

'Believe it or not, I am trying to help you', he calmly replied.

'I wouldn't say you were much help when I was having the shit beaten out of me the other day...', the nastiness was present in your reply.

'I don't agree with what they do here, I didn't agree with that, but I couldn't show it. And I am sorry but I couldn't help in that situation but I can now.. I am not with these people, I have been here a while and managed to gain their trust. I am with an organisation called S.H.E.I.L.D and we don't have much time but I'm going to help you out and get this Winter Soldier programme shut down for good..', he did sound genuine, but you didn't know who you could trust anymore..

'You know about the Winter Soldier? So you know about James? I saw him... Before all of this', you were hunting for good news.

'I'm sorry, I don't know anything about his where abouts. The closed up once they found you with him. Also, we are no longer in Siberia, when they took you they moved locations for precautions. We are back in America, Hydra has bases all over and they couldn't risk you knowing the layout.' he proceeded to say.

You took a while to process the information. 'So what happens now?', you took a deep breath and asked him..

'We will escape together.. I have a team who are waiting on my word. Just sit tight. Tomorrow you will be out of here. But for now they must believe I am still with them.' he said almost anxiously.

'Then hit me as you leave, make it seem like I spoke back to you', you quickly responded. What more could one slap do to you..

Begrudgingly he nodded.. 'Guards', he called loudly to them. As they started to unlock the door you stood up and walked over to him. He turned and slapped you across the face with the back of his hand. He did it pretty hard but you barely flinched.. Maybe you were getting used to all this pain.

With that he left and you were returned to your little cell.

Finding the Bucky in Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now