You manage to get out

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You still couldn't believe he was alive and sitting right next to you. You couldn't help but feel so happy about it but when you glance back over to him all that you see is darkness and sorrow.

You need to try and get him to talk to you, remember you maybe? Let him know you're still here, here for him. You can only assume you had been given the same serum as he had. So you have that in common still at least.

'James.. Do you remember me? Remember the night before you left for war? Our first date?' you said it in hushed tones so only he could hear you.

He half turned to look at you, his eyes seemingly desperate to remember. A softness came over them and his expression mellowed. There were no words but you both shared a moment with your eyes entwined. You wish you knew what he was thinking, you could tell his breathing had quickened. His face looked as it was about to speak.. 'I don't remember anything from back then.' He turned back almost disheartened and then his stern face returned, breathing slowed back down. He was gone again. But that moment of thinking from him had given you hope.

The convey had stopped at some traffic lights. You had been driving for a while as it now looked like you were in London. There had been silence since he replied. Everything seems tense, your senses have been heightened ever since the serum which is also partly why you keep yourself away from others. The hairs on the back of your neck started to tingle. You could feel something coming.. something about to happen.

Your immediate reaction was to reach out and grab him, 'James... Somethi..', as you turned to look at one another the window behind him shattered as the car was hit from the side. The force sent the car over and onto its roof. Luckily you were unharmed but Bucky had seemed to take the brunt of it and seemed unconscious. You needed to act quickly, you wanted to stay and help him but you know you can't go wherever you're being taken right now.. you unclip your belt and drop to the roof, the door is crumpled so won't open. You kick through so there's enough room to wriggle out. As you crawl through you can feel something grab your trailing leg..

His metal arm squeezing around you ankle. The grip was tight as you looked back towards him. He was still upside down belted in. As he released slightly to try and grab you further up you used it to slip out of his grasp.

That's it, you were out. There was no time to stop and think. You started to run. As fast as you could, people had started to crowd around, so you thought it was a safe distance to glance back. It was the only car that had been stopped, no others were in sight. That's when you noticed the door you escaped from fly out and Bucky emerged.

You thought you'd be fine with how far away you'd got but his eyes scanned for a matter of seconds before they were on you. He was up and after you.

You turned back away and ran, as fast as you could but as you half glanced through a passing window you can see he's right behind you already. He pulls you back towards him by your hand. You shake him off and stand up opposite him. Breathing heavily.

Finding the Bucky in Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now