Meeting Uncle George

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You have been working in the medical centre for several months now. You have seen the most horrific injuries caused by this war and done your best to comfort dying soldiers even though each time broke your heart a little more. You couldn't help but imagine it was Bucky, but you told yourself you wouldn't want him to die alone. And everyone is someones Bucky so you took it upon yourself to be there with them.

You hadn't heard from him since his letter. You re read it every night trying to convince yourself he was fine and sent it that day. As time went on you only missed him more. 

You did little else around work and was there most of the time, which sadly meant you did not notice your father becoming gravely ill until it was too late. You and your mother were distraught, this powerful, strong man you had always known to be there was now frail, skinny and fading away before your eyes. 

The illness took him within a matter of weeks and both you and your mother had to find ways of making money to keep your family home now your father had passed. 

You had started working even more if that were even possible, just to keep up with everything. You mother had taken several little jobs also so you barely got to see her anymore which saddened you further.

One day when you came home after a long shift you entered the front room to notice a strange man cornering your mother in an aggressive manner.

'Can I help you?', you asked in an assertive voice to try and mask your worry.

'Oh, there you are, this is George, he is your father's brother', she said trying to reassure you everything is ok.

'Father had a brother?', you asked in shock.

'Indeed he did, pleasure to meet you. I have just heard of my dear brothers passing and wanted to come check on how things are for you and your mother', he claimed. He had a strange accent, somewhat European but you couldn't dictate from where. He looked nothing like my father, he was tall and slight with dark greasy hair slicked back. He gives you the most eery feeling.

'I have come to offer you and your mother some assistance.'

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