Bucky left for the war

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Bucky had made sure you got home safely that night. You had small chit chat on the way home. You couldn't help but feel so sad when he said goodbye. He politely kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear, 'Until we meet again my love'. You found it impossible to reply so managed a sweet smile which he smiled back to. And with that he walked down your street, and was gone.

The days dragged on, even though your first date was the start of your romance with Bucky you couldn't help but feel so lost without him. Like there was nothing else to make you smile whilst he was away. The ache of not knowing whether he would be back or when indeed that would be literally hurt your heart.

It had been just over a week and you were due to start your job nursing at the local medical centre. That morning as you were getting ready your mother called you down to the front room. Having told her about your date with Bucky she knows you were also with Steve. She handed you a paper which had a huge picture of Steve but he looked different, not like before, so tall and manly. How could he look that way merely a week off after you last saw him. As you read the article it stated he was now to be known as Captain America. You couldn't believe how crazy this all seemed, but you also felt happy for him as you know he wanted to do his part like the soldiers.

'Is this the Steve you spoke about?', your mother asked curiously.

'It is, but... That is not how I know him', you replied.

That's when you noticed behind her there was a stack of post, 'Is there any post for me?'.

'Oh, I'm not too sure, that only came yesterday and I haven't had the chance to go through it yet, let's see shall we?', she said as she grabbed the stack and returned next to you.

You watch intently as she shuffles through them. That's when you saw it.. a small brown envelope with your name, dated the day after Bucky left. 'He must have sent it as he left', you muttered to yourself. You grabbed it and looked up at your mother who had an endearing smile on her face. 'Thank you mother', you shouted back in excitement as you ran upstairs to your room.

You sat on the edge of your bed and took in a deep breath. Then looked down and opened the envelope. There was only a little piece of paper inside, folded over a fair few times. As you started to unfold it you could tell there wasn't much written on it, but you were still intrigued to see what it says..

' To my girl,

I much enjoyed our first date last night, and am excited for many more when I return.

Knowing you have agreed to be mine when I get back is what will in my thoughts.

Take care
James x'

His words were short but you felt so happy he had written you. This letter was just what you needed to face the day ahead.

You looked up and smiled. Took another deep breath. Refolded the letter in the envelope and tucked it under your pillow to read later on.

You stood up and continued getting ready. You couldn't be late for your first shift at the centre.

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