Escaping Winter Soldier (revisited)

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He grabbed your neck with his metal arm, lifting you slightly off the ground which caused you to struggle and cling on to it. You scratched at it trying to get it to loosen. You could see his eyes were as dark as could be, not the usual sparkling blue of calm.

'James' you managed to gasp out. He was standing sidewards with his outstretched arm but when he heard you turned his body straight on. With the slightest ease up around your throat, you gathered your strength and kicked your whole body high aiming at his face. The pure power made him fall back, scrapping along your throat as he went. It would've surely knocked anyone else out but he had only backed up a few steps. He stood tall and looked at you. The dark look was back, he clenched his metal fist and you quickly dodged low to the right to avoid contact. You took the chance sprint away.

You know for a fact he is faster, even at full pace he could easily catch up so you need to figure a way to get away from him. You can't risk trying to talk to him right now. You run as fast as you can through the crowded street. Annoyingly people weren't moving for you but Bucky seemed to be breezing through them. You tried to take a sharp turn to hopefully trick him, but then BANG... You flew up into the air and landed on the bonnet of the car that just hit you smashing the screen.

You let out a loud sharp breathe, spluttering out blood and glass from your mouth. You leaned over to the side and tried to see if he was still coming. He had stopped in the crowd that had gathered. You saw him watching, taller than anyone else with a softened face.

The driver and passenger had got out of the car and rushed round to check on you, blocking the view you had of him. 'Just try to stay calm' said the man. You tried pushing up to see round him. But as he moved you noticed he had moved and no longer standing in that part of the crowd. You searched round frantically but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

'Nooo' you softly exclaimed. That's when it hit you, all the pain rushed in and then everything went cold and dark.

Finding the Bucky in Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now