The past always catches up

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Years on from your escape you were living a very quiet, peaceful life. You had put the war and Hydra behind you. This included James as it was just too painful to think about. Having been protected by SHIELD agency, they still touch base with you from time to time but seeing as you escaped over 50 years ago, the agents were no longer the same. Whatever they had given you stopped you from aging, gave you increased strength and very few things could harm you (having been in a car crash and various accidents this had been tested).

You still looked as if you were in your prime 20/30 years of age. It did mean that after a while people would start to question why, so you did move around every decade or so.

You were currently reciding in England, a wonderful farm land where there was little contact with others. This suited you wholely. Since your mother had passed a few decades ago it had just been you, and that's how you had grown to like it...

One seemingly normal day you had decided to go for a walk around the nearby fields with your sheepdog Jasper. It sounded silly but he was your closest friend. You wandered round for a few hours, breathing in the fresh air and warmish weather. When you'd finally decided to head back you noticed a black SUV being driven down the country roads in the distance. You found it strange seeing as it only led to your land. You watched it and could tell it was coming with speed, and that there were another 5 following behind.

'This cannot be good', you muttered to yourself. 'Come on Jasper', you shouted as you started to sprint back to the house. With your super strength you could achieve super speed and even animals found it hard to catch up.

You had made it back a mile or so in mere moments. Even though you were not sure of what was coming, you had taken years of every kind of tactical class and martial arts you could think of. With an arsenal of weapons hidden around the house following the promise you had made to yourself. No one would ever get the better of you again. You ran into the house and into the storage cupboard beside the stairs, pulling out a loading your shotgun. You grabbed extra ammo and filled the pockets of your jacket.

You could hear the cavalry getting closer. You called on Jasper and shut him into a room he'd be safe in.

You decided to hide behind an old vintage coat stand near to the front door. This wasn't a game of cat and mouse. You were planning to go full force. Your strength and speed made you feel superior if it came to fighting.

You heard the cars pull up and start to unload, chattering amongst themselves. However they seemed to be orders, somewhat military style - the only place you had recognised this from was the Hydra facility.

You saw red. You moved and opened the front door firing off your shotgun at the vehicle tanks, causing them to explode. The first two shots sent the men flying. As you reloaded more men had moved out of the firing line. Except one - he was in all black with dark mid length hair falling down his face, a half mask covering his mouth and nose area whilst his eyes wore shades. He was of massive stature, in black leathers except for his arm - his arm was made of.. of metal!? He wasn't armed with a gun. You pulled up the reloaded shotgun and aimed towards him. You were about to pull the trigger when... WHACK. Someone had hit you with their gun up the side of the head. Normally this would knock someone out but you shook it off and turned to him, a smirk emerged on your face.

'Now that wasn't very nice', you hissed.

You went to charge towards him and then felt your hair being grabbed which pulled you backwards. You grabbed on and felt metal clasping it.. it must be the man you thought to yourself.

He pulled you and shoved you into one of the cars.

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