Your walk with Bucky

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The feeling of your hand in his made you feel safe and it made you feel wanted. This very moment made you realise you wanted to be Bucky's girl and how you wished he wasn't about to leave, not knowing when or even if he would return.

'Lets go this way', he said as he squeezed your hand a gestered to go towards a dark wooded area.

'Im not sure James, it looks dark that way', you replied almost anxiously.

'Do you trust me?', he said as he stood and brought both of you hands and his together as you faced one another.

You feel his eyes burn into yours, you've never noticed just how pretty they are until now and it gives you a flutter. 'Does he feel this too?', you think to yourself..

'Yes, I do trust you', you replied, finding it hard to break the eye contact.

'Then let's go', he says with a cheeky smile, whilst taking your hand and leading you through wooded path. You huddle in against his arm, trying to stay as close as you can. Not wanting to look up, you just follow his lead. Every few steps he peers over to make sure you're doing ok. He seems to like being protective of you and that you're clinging to him so tightly. He must be familiar with the area as he seems to be leading you somewhere. You slowly look up from his arm and can see light in the distance. You find yourselves coming out of the wooded area to a cliffed area looking over the city. He leads you over to an old tree on the edge and you both sit on the ground in awe of the scenery.

'Wow, the city looks beautiful from here', you say, just staring out in amazement.

You hadn't noticed but Bucky was looking at you rather than the scenery and replied, 'It's looking pretty amazing from where I am right now'.

You can feel your cheeks go red as you realised he's looking at you. As you chuckle lightly, you can sense the urge to ask Bucky something, something that could either make or break this night..

'So, James.. What made you decide to ask me on a date this evening? I mean, if this even is a date', you muttered of at the end almost asking yourself rather than him.

'Well, I do believe you to be one of my closest female friends, who I enjoy spending time with. So yes, it is a date. I wanted to have a nice evening to remember with you before I leave..' he seemed to pause mid sentence.

'Leave for the war?', you finished, looking down in a saddened state.

'Yes, yes the war', he said.

He lifts his hand to cup your chin so you are looking at him. You can't hold back the tears filling your eyes, as you think of all the worries that entails.

'If there was ever a reason for me to fight and win the war, I do believe I have found it in you', his words were so genuine, even though you found them strange yet beautiful to hear.

You were stunned for a moment, unsure what you thought let alone what to respond.

Before you had even had the chance Bucky used the hand cupped on your chin to pull you into him planting the softest kiss that made your eyes fall shut upon you. After a few moments of his lips caressing yours, he breaks away and looks at you whilst lowering his hand and taking yours, holding them chest height.

'Will you be my reason to come home? Will you be mine when I return?', he asked with such intent.

'Oh, James', you say, still startled, 'I have realised tonight that all I want to be is yours', you couldn't even believe those words had come out so directly but they were the honest truth, straight from your heart.

'Please come back to me', you moved forward and kissed Bucky on the lips. This time with more passion. You let go of his hands and moved them up to his neck pulling him closer. Embracing for more than a moment, but not letting it go too far.

You both pulled away and laid down together, you tucked into his nook and laid looking at the stars. There weren't any words needed, for right now you both felt in complete peace with one another and didnt want it to be ruined with words.

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