'Zimniy Soldát'

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Weeks on from your conversation with Sadie, you just couldn't shake off the feeling of this Winter Soldier curiosity.. It has just made you want to know about it even more! You had made so many crazy scenarios about it in your head.

You were tempted to ask your uncle but truth was you didn't speak to him much. Whenever you did see him he would just politely say hello and ask how you are. You just felt asking would make him not like you and that was something you didn't want.

You couldn't take the unknowing anymore, you just had to do something about it, after all this time you had started to write a plan of how you would uncover what the secret was. You had decided that you would try to sneak into your uncle's office to see if there is anything on it in there. You had been scoping it out and the security wasn't too tight around there. Plus if you did get seen could say you were looking for him. Come to think of it why was there so much security at a medical facility? You had just put it down to the war and in case you became under attack. There was nothing like it where you'd worked before though.

You started the next day as usual, your shift started at 6am when there were few people around so it was the perfect time to try and get into the office. You slipped off behind the other nurses starting the morning shift, down the long dark corridor which led to the office. As you walk further down the lights were coming on automatically, they must have some sort of motion sensor which you have never experienced before. Each light that came on made you more nervous someone would see as there was no where to hide. You looked round often to check but you made it to the office door and didn't see anyone. You lent your ear to the door to check it seemed empty, then turned the door knob hoping it wasn't locked. It wasn't... You pushed it opened and entered.

As you walked fully into the room you made sure the door closed behind you. This triggered the main light in the office to come on which made you jump.

You looked around what seemed like a normal standard office. Paperwork all over the desk, full filing cupboards, some artwork on the walls (off strange darker taste) and a comfortable seating area for more casual meetings you assumed.

You had a scoot around on the desk and then in the filing cabinet under W but nothing was there.. then you remembered it wasn't Winter Soldier you heard, it was Zimniy Soldát. Sure enough under Z there was a file under that name. It wasn't large in size but when you got it out it had a thick notice on it stating 'strogo sekretnaya informatsiya'. You were not sure what it meant, not that it would stop you from looking.

You opened the file and there were files of graphs and data regarding some sort of serum it seemed. Alot of the data had been ruled out with thick black marks so only a few words were visible. Being in Russian though you had little idea what it was saying.

It was then you noticed a large, heavy looking, dark curtain up behind the desk. You replace the file, shut the cabinet and walk over to it. Beneath it was a large metallic door which had a key in the lock. You took a moment to decide if you really wanted to go inside or just return to work and not continue further. You were close to turning but just knew yourself and knew you wouldn't be able to drop it and end up coming back so you just took a deep breath in and push the door open..

Luckily there was no one on the otherside of the door. This side seemed a lot darker though, not just in sight but in feeling. It was even colder which you didn't think was possible. As you entered the room you could see a faint light in the distance, as though it just was calling to you. There was nothing in this room, it was all leading to the next room.

As you walked closer you could see what looked like a person in what you could only describe as an incubator. Their head was down and their longish dark hair was hanging over them.

You couldn't help but move closer, it was like you had no control. You then were snapped out of this trance as you heard chatter and footsteps close by. You quickly crouched down behind a cabinet on the other side of the room out of sight.

They walked on by chattering in Russian. You could see the were in white lab coats. Some sort of doctors or scientists maybe. What was this place?!

Once you thought it was clear you walked again towards the incubator. This time the persons head was looking up, starring straight at you. Their eyes piercing through your soul, you had never felt anything so intense before. Then it struck you, you know those eyes, you know this face...

'Oh my God, James..' you couldn't help but blurt out, but not very loud.

Your heart was beating so fast and this overwhelming feeling of sickness covered your chest. Your mouth felt dry and burning at the back like before sick comes. You can feel you while body start trembling as you step backwards, crashing into something behind you.

You turn and realise it's your Uncle.

'Oh my dear, what a shame it is you took it upon yourself to go snooping about. I heard you had been asking about certain things but didn't think you were foolish enough for this. I had such high hopes for you here, but not yet, and not like this'. He said it in such a creepy and intimidating way that you had stepped back into a corner, trapped from escape.

You couldn't say anything, you were frozen in fear.

'Now you will find out exactly what 'Zimniy Soldát' means'...

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