Chapter 5: The True Chosen One

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The sun has arrived and it was now time for Kyouwa to head out there and face Anakin in the final round.

You were still depressed and you barely touch your food and you stomach doesn't feel like you don't have much of an appetite.

A knock on the door was heard as your god-brother welcome himself before closing the door behind him. He walks towards your bed and sat down sinking the mattress with his weight.

He grasp your hand and give you a light squeeze. "(Y/n)....."  You sat still when he brought his other hand to gently brush your hair before wiping your tears away. "Hey, no more. You can't ignore the fact that your hungry. How can I win the duel if I don't have my cheerleader to cheer me on? Asben is great, but with Niro he could get really competitive and say I'm a loser and takes all the money to buy more food. Between you and me, I think he'll grew a gut if he hatch a chicken."

That made you snort a bit which Kyouwa got you to smile. He drop his hands and open a canister to scoop some beans stew towards your mouth . "Here. Ahhh~."

 You chuckled and open your mouth wide just to play with his little childish side of his. It was like back then when you two were kids, Kyouwa was always trying to cheer you up and get you to say one word with Asben's support.

While finishing your brunch Kyouwa decided to carry you in a piggy back style to head to the ring.

"Yo! You made it!" Asben and Niro ran up to you two.

Kyouwa puts you down and guide you to  a chair to sit down. "There we go, can't stand too long until we find the best doctor to run a surgery for your legs." He stood up straight and give a fist bump with Asben. "Wish me luck."

"Break a leg." Asben jokes but then realized his bluntness when he turns to you. "Oops, my bad. Uh no offense, little sis?"

"I'm not offended." You shrugged.

Niro then steps in and  lightly smack Kyouwa in the shoulder. "Kyouwa, you better not lose, I'm betting this money and kick some ass. If you don't I won't  let you off the hook. I will sneak into your room and wake you up at midnight where you'll never be able to sleep again! I'm the only one who is strong enough to fight you!"

Kyouwa rolled your eyes. "That is so totally what you do when you prank on people. But don't you worry, I'll give you something in return." Kyouwa turns to you and pat your head. "Well, I'm off."

Before he goes you grab his hand when he turns back. "Be careful."

Kyouwa blinks before smiling until he press his lips to your forehead. "I will. I'll see you soon."

He went to the ring to meet up with Anakin, after that when Vi and Jinx arrived to sit next to you. Vi turns to you with and awkward wave when you did not indulge her pretense. Not to mention to knowledge her presence.

Vi sighs and drop her hand in defeat. Niro decided to sit in between and munch on popcorn while Asben smack him on the head, scolding him to keep it down.

Meanwhile, Anakin and Kyouwa faced off the duel. Anakin thought he had it easy to beat his opponent but Kyouwa anticipated his skills. It had the Jedi cornered. No matter how many cards he plays The Duelist in Red always has his ways of countering his attacks.

It somehow it annoys Anakin when he was so close to wipe out Kyouwa's lifepoints but it comes with a price when Kyouwa activated a special ability of his dragon. Using a special spell card all his monsters  that were in the graveyard supported Saber-Wing Dragon to gain more 500 ATK , way over kill. 

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