Chapter 9: Vi's Forgiveness

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You roll over in bed, blinking to get the sleep out of your eyes as light filters through your curtains. You're supposed to help Light out at The Last Drop today, but the thought of potentially running into Vi makes you nauseous. 

You groan and roll back over to face the wall. After you'd forced Vi to leave, you'd felt relieved... at first, but it didn't take long for that relief and your anger to be replaced by dismay and a heavy pit of sadness.

As much as Vi had hurt you, you couldn't shake off the possibility that she wasn't lying to you last night. Maybe if you'd given her more of a chance, you could have gotten to the bottom of what she was trying to say. 

To be fair, she didn't exactly have a way with words. Then again, though, even if whats she said was true... why the hell did she so aggressively pretended to hate you? 

None of it makes any sense, and your mind spirals as you try to understand what could possibly be going on in Vi's head. Even worse, you didn't think you'd ever get an answer to the puzzle because you'd definitely pushed her away.

You lay in bed for a couple more minutes before realizing that you need to get a move on or you'll definitely be late to the bar. With a sigh, you drag yourself out from under your warm sheets and drag your ass into the bathroom to shower and get ready. 

Luckily, you were pretty low maintenance in the morning, and it's not like you had anybody to impress anyway, so it only took you 15 minutes to shower, brush your teeth, and put on some clean clothes. Today's outfit of choice was a leather skirt, to match Jinx, and a black tank top with spaghetti straps - nothing fancy, but good for work at the bar.

You grab your keys and purse and head out, locking your door behind you. The cool morning air raises goosebumps on your skin as you stride down the street towards The Last Drop. 

It's early, so not many people are out yet, but a couple neighbors wave as you walk by. It's a short walk though, and you've done it so many times you can practically turn on autopilot. Before you know it, you're walking up the wooden steps and knocking on the heavy doors, unsure if Vander would have unlocked them yet.

After a moment, you hear the click of a lock, and Serah appears in front of you, smiling warmly, "Morning! Come on in."

You step inside, appreciating the warmth after your chilly walk. You head over to the bar, taking a seat at a stool while Serah follows behind you. She settles down next to you, resting her elbows on the counter as she studies your face, "Are you feeling alright?" She asks.

You shrug, averting your gaze, "Yeah I'm alright. I had a hard time sleeping last night, that's all."

Serah cocks an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

You chew on your lip, a dead giveaway that you're lying, but you nod anyway, "Yeah, I'm good."

If Serah can tell you're lying, she doesn't mention it because she just looks at you for another moment before she slides off of her stool, "Well let me get you a nice warm cup of coca. You looked chilly when you came inside!"

You feel your shoulders relax now that Serah has dropped the previous conversation, "Yeah! Fall is definitely on its way."

Serah sets a white mug in front of you, pouring steaming hot coffee inside, "Yeah I saw on the news that they're getting a downpour on the plate too."

Just as you pick up your mug, wrapping both hands around it to warm them up, you hear the heavy double doors push open behind you. A whoosh of cool air floods the room. You turn around to see Jinx approaching you, a suspiciously cheeky grin plastered on her face.

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