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The music begins – The first notes of 'It's Your Love' start filling the large arena.

Dancing in the dark, Middle of the night

Taking your heart, and holding it tight

Riley's smooth voice booms through the speakers. He appears on stage right, making his way to the middle. Lainey isn't visible yet, but from what Riley has told me about rehearsals, she'll be coming down the middle aisle to meet him during the chorus.

The lighting in the audience raises slightly, letting me know Lainey is about to make her big entrance. On cue, she rises from a front row seat, microphone in hand, and makes her way towards the stage.

Riley meets her at the bottom of the stairs, hand reached out, willing her to take it. And she does. It's all for the show. I have to keep reminding myself or I'm going to go insane.

And maybe it would be better if I was more secure. More confident. But, I'm not. I've been working on it and Riley has helped me tremendously, but I'm not completely there yet.

It's your love, it just does something to me

Riley and Lainey inch so close that they are practically sharing one microphone.

It sends a shock right through me

His hand finds her hip, pulling her closer. I have to give it to him, Riley has always had charisma and charm.

I can't get enough, it's your love

They finish their duet performance, Riley's hand on waist, Lainey's on his chest. The crowd erupts in deafening cheers and screams, praising my boyfriend for being in love with another girl.

I was okay until everyone in this room confirmed everything I was trying to deny. Riley and Lainey do look great together.

The fake couple wave to the crowd as the lights dim and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Sophia pats my leg, getting my attention after my change in attitude. "You okay?" She mouths.

With a forced smile, I nod my head. "I think I just need some fresh air," I squeeze her hand and rise from my seat. Everyone is chattering amongst themselves waiting for the show to come back on as I practically sprint down the aisle.

The longer I'm' in here, the more claustrophobic I feel. Luckily, Riley has played this venue a time or two, so we've learned the ins and outs. I've been privy to the information that there's a staircase that leads to the roof.

As I head up the stairs, it feels like the room is getting smaller by the minute and I'm out of breath by the time I fling the door open to the brisk night air.

I look up at the stars, feeling the wind on my face and take slow deep breaths. In .... Out.... Everything is okay I keep telling myself.

I walk over to the ledge, looking down at the crowd outside of the arena. Seeing the flashing lights, the crowds of people, my stomach start to twist in knots and the last thing I want to do is go back inside where the same thing is happening.

I lean over, putting my forehead on the cool concrete, closing my eyes. A sudden jerk has me standing up straight. Shit, I've been caught.

"Baby," I hear a familiar voice behind me.

Turning, I see Riley walking over to me. I meet him halfway, falling into his outstretched arms and letting him engulf me.

"Hi," I try to speak normally, but my voice sounds mousy.

"You okay?" He asks as he plants a kiss on the top of my head. I nod, not trusting that my audible words will make the sentiment believable.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask, pulling back to look at him.

A smile pulls at the corner of Riley's lips, "Well, I'd love to say I was coming up here to find you, but I needed some fresh air.... And I'm guessing you did too."

I return his smile. We are so in sync without even trying.

He brushes a fallen curl out of my face, "I'm so sick and tired of this. I hate it. I really do. Looking out into the crowd and watching you. Seeing the look on your face. It kills me, Baby."

My eyes begin to fill with tears. I'm so overwhelmed by this charade. I always think it is going to get better, but it never does.

"I'm sorry," I sigh, "I know I'm not making this any easier on you. I know that there isn't anything you or Lainey can do about it either." I want to reassure him that my frustration isn't aimed towards him.

A soft, sad, smile plays across his lips as a gives a small nod. Both of us, lost for words, Riley leans down and plants another tender kiss across my lips.

I savor every moment of it, knowing we have to go back down to the ceremony and finish out the night.


I'm going to start writing shorter chapters so I can get them out to you quicker :)  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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