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"Delta!" Riley calls from his dressing room. I'm currently answering every email this man has gotten in the last 3 days because he can't seem to do that for himself. Catering just got here for the band before they go on.

"What?!" I yell back at him.

"You know I can't eat this shit! Why did you order shrimp alfredo when you know I'm allergic?!"

Oh, shit. I didn't. They must have messed up his order. I run into his dressing room, silently praying he hasn't taken a bite.

"I didn't order you shrimp, I ordered chicken," I clarify, "DId you get yours mixed up with someone else's?" I ask, knowing that's a very Riley thing to do.

He rolled his eyes at me in response. I can tell by his unamused facial expression just how pissed he really is. "No, I didn't. Either you ordered the wrong thing or they fucked it up. Either way, I'm starving and I need food now."

"Fine, take mine. I got chicken alfredo too, so if they didn't screw mine up, then you can have it." I really hate shrimp too, but it really only matters if he's fueled seeing as all 65,000 people are here for him.

"That's the least you could do," he snarks back. I can't tell if he's joking or being serious so I just swap plates with him and get back to what I was doing.


"They love me!" Riley yells as he runs off stage, barely audible from all the screams coming from the crowd.

"I know." I say back, very matter-of-factly, handing him a bottle of water. After all the whiskey shots he did tonight, I know he needs it.

"Can I do an encore? How much time do we have until the bus needs to leave?"

"One more song, then we've gotta go,' I reply

He responds by turning around and running back on stage.

While Riley and the band finish up, I go to the dressing room to pack all of his stuff up. The band is always great about getting their things, but Riley expects me to round up everything for him.

I go through my checklist one more time to make sure I'm not forgetting anything right as the band walks through the doors. We all sit and chill for a few minutes, catching our breaths from the amazing show that was just put on.

As soon as I hear the agonizing sound of lip locking, I turn around. Sure enough, Riley has found himself a girl to sleep with before we leave. Poor girl, I almost want to tell her to run now. I've seen the games Riley has been playing this last week with these women. He makes them think they're something special, he throws out remarks about being long-term, knowing he's just going to sleep with them. I hear her giggle. I almost feel sorry for her.

"Let's go. Bus leaves in 10 minutes!" I announce as I grab as many of Riley's belongings as I can.

"Riley, take a shower before you get on the bus. You smell like ass." I tell him.

The only acknowledgement I receive is a thumbs up as he continues to make out with the blonde girl on the couch.

"Are you jealous?" Brent says as we walk to the bus. Brent is the most annoying of the band members when it pertains to Riley and I. He's fully convinced that we're hooking up.

"Not even in the slightest," I respond.

I start getting ready for bed as the band members take another shot. This is usually how it goes. They party until they pass out after a show. They've tried to explain to me a hundred times, but I just don't get it. Something about playing for big crowds gives them a high and they ride it for as long as they can.

Just as I'm taking my makeup off in the bathroom, I hear Riley walk in the door.

"Damn, that's a new record!" I hear Carter make fun of him for being back so quickly.

"No, dude. I got whiskey dick," Riley admits, slurring his words. This makes the rest of the band give him more shit.

Just as I'm drying my face off, I hear the bathroom door open. "I'm sorry, darling. Didn't re-realize you were i-n here." Riley tries to form a complete sentence.

Before I have time to say anything, Riley has his pants unbuckled, peeing in the toilet next to me. I notice his hair is soaking wet and he smells like Dove body wash. Well, at least he showered.

"Really, Riley? You couldn't have waited until I left?"

"Sorry, ma'am. I had to go." He laughs.

"This is very inappropriate. Do you know this could get me fired?! I can't ever be caught in this position with you, no matter how innoc-" Riley cuts me off by pinning me to the bathroom counter.

He holds his finger up to my lips to silence me, our faces inches apart. He smells of body wash and whiskey. I have to admit, his scent is heavenly.

"Shhhh, Stop talking, Delta." His eyes are locked on mine. For the first time in our relationship, he's making me nervous. With his finger the only thing separating his lips from touching mine, he smirks as he pulls away. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I felt myself release all the air held inside of me. He keeps the same arrogant smirk on his face as he exits the bathroom. God, I hope he doesn't tell any of the other boys about this.

Riley has the bedroom in the back of the bus with a queen size bed, while the rest of the band and myself have the bunks in the hallway. Being 5'10 and wearing a size 16, sleeping in those tiny bunks is terrible. On nights like these, I know he's going to drink until he passes out on the couch, so I take the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. When we both know he's not making it to his bed, he lets me sleep in it.

I make my exit from the bathroom swiftly and march straight to his room, shutting the door behind me. I don't want to leave any room for the boys to say anything to me about my encounter in the bathroom with Riley.

I try my best to fall asleep even though the loud music and the yelling of the boys is making it difficult. I fall into a light sleep, the one where you can still hear what's going on around you but you're not coherent.

When the noise outside finally dies down, I hear the bedroom door open. I think it's Riley coming in to change clothes, when I feel the bed sheets raise. A body slides in next to me on the other side of the bed.

I sit up immediately, prepared to make my way back to my bunk.

"Where are you going/" Riley asks, grabbing my hand to stop me. When I look at him, I realize he has stripped down to his underwear.

"Back to my bed. I didn't realize you were gonna be sleeping in here tonight, Sorry," I mutter.

"Don't worry about it. Climb back in." He answers, holding up the bed sheets for me, offering my spot back.

"Riley, you know I can't. I'll get fired." I use that as my excuse. Honestly, I just don't want to give him the impression that I'll ever sleep with him.

"C'mon Delta, You and I both know I get the final say on who works for me on this tour. You won't get fired." He pats the bed, urging me further to stay.

If it wasn't for the fact that my only other options are the couch or the bunk beds, I would have declined, But the temptation of being able to sleep in a real bed is too great.

"Fine," I mumble and crawl right back into my spot.

We both roll over away from each other and try to fall asleep. He's probably too drunk to even process this moment, but for me, it's terribly awkward. The fact that I'm technically sleeping in the same bed as my boss makes it hard for me to fall asleep.

A few minutes later, I feel Riley shift and turn over. I lay completely still, hoping he thinks I've fallen asleep. I feel his lips graze my ear as he whispers, "Goodnight, beautiful. Thank you for all you do for me." He pats my hip and turns back over.

Maybe he isn't such a bad guy. Maybe I've just given him a hard time. A small smile spreads across my lips. It feels good to be appreciated.

And with that, I finally find myself falling into a deep slumber. 

Let A Damn Good Woman Leave // Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now