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"Action!" The producer calls and just like that Riley turns the switch. He's no longer that nervous man standing behind in the parking lot, he's charming and confident.

"Today we have with us Riley Green,, the newest face of country music. Riley, how are you doing today?" Tiffany, the interviewer asks.

Riley gives her a warm smile back, "I'm doing great. How about yourself?"

"I'm good, I'm good. So let's just get right into it. We need to address the elephant in the room." Riley's eyes immediately make their way towards me, panic written all over his face.

But, as quickly as it showed, it was gone. Strangers wouldn't catch it, but I've spent every waking moment for the last 8 months with him. I know him like the back of my hand.

"How are you handling the split from your beloved girlfriend, Charlotte?" Tiffany asks the inevitable question.

Riley takes a deep breath, keeping that same smile on his face. Yet, it doesn't meet his eyes. "I'm doing okay. You know, it's obviously hard, but it's life and I've just gotta deal with it and move on." Damn Riley, I couldn't have written you out a better answer than that.

TIffany doesn't believe him, "C'mon Riley. We all loved your girlfriend just as much as you did. She was such a sweetheart, and now, I mean how heartless can she be?"

Riley is becoming more uncomfortable by the second. His breath is becoming more rigid and he's starting to fidget. "I can't say I'm not sad about the whole thing. I loved her very deeply, but I do wish her the best for her future." Okay dude, you're laying it on a little thick here.

"Riley, get real with me. This is a safe space. Charlotte Adams admitted to the world that she was using you for fame. You can't be that nice about it. I mean, honestly." Tiffany just won't let it go. Fuck you, Tiffany.

Riley doesn't answer. He continues to stare at his lap, picking at his fingernails. After a moment, when he looks up, his eyes are shining. I can tell he's about to lose it. Before I can step in, Riley jolts up from his seat, "I can't do this."

He brushes my shoulder as he runs past me, heading straight for the bus. I follow him, trying to stay as close as I can.

When I get to the bus, Riley has already made his way to his room. The rest of the band and crew are frozen, looking at me.

"Everyone get out. Go to the other bus. I'll explain later." They get up without a word and file out.

Standing in front of his bedroom door, I pause before turning the handle. To be honest, I'm nervous. Riley and I have a surface level relationship. We have never talked about anything emotional before. I don't know how to handle this part of his life.

I take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to open the door, "Riley?" I ask more of a question.

He is laying on his back staring up at the ceiling, one small tear has trickled down his cheek. Poor guy, as much disdain I have for him, I can't help but feel bad.

"What Delta? Are you going to tell me how bad I fucked up that interview? I already know that. I also know that I just tarnished this image you've worked so hard to create for me, and I'm sorry for that. I don't need your lectu-"

I place my hand on top of his to stop him, "Hey, no. I'm sorry. I should've told them Charlotte was off limits or I should've cancelled the interview all together. You weren't ready for that and I'm the one who put you in a bad position." I take the blame for the incident.

Technically, it was both of our faults, but I don't think he deserves any of the blame right now. He's going through enough.

His gaze meets my eyes for the first time. When he locks eyes with me, he breaks. The tears in the corners of his eyes pour over.

Riley sits up and wraps his arms around me. I can feel my shoulder starting to get wet from his tears. Neither one of us say anything. The only audible sound is Riley's gasps from sobbing so hard.

Although I feel sorry for the man, I can't help but feel awkward. I mean, we've never had any type of serious conversation, much less, him sobbing on my shoulder. I don't know how to deal with this situation, but I don't say anything.

After a few minutes, Riley catches his breath, regaining his composure. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be sorry, don't be sorry." I stroke his hair, trying to calm him down.

"I really shouldn't have done that interview. I just wasn't ready. She hurt me so bad, Delta." This tough man now looks like a scared little boy.

"I know. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Do you need to cancel the show? What do you need?" From a business point of view, it would be detrimental to cancel, but as a friend, he probably needs to.

"No.. no. Absolutely not. I'm gonna be fine. I guess I just needed to get it out. I just haven't found a way to cope with everything." Riley looks down, picking at his fingernails.

We hear a knock on the door, followed by Carter's voice, "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt, but sound check is in 5."

Riley takes a deep breath and gets up from the bed, grabbing his cutoff t-shirt. "Can you go ahead out there? Just take the guys to the stage. I'll be there in a minute."

I really hate to be this person, but I really can't have him be late, "Sure thing. Just...please don't be late."

I hear him sniffle. Damn, I feel like an asshole. I didn't realize he was still crying. I guess that's why he has his back to me. "I won't be. Thanks."

I exit the room without saying anything to meet the rest of the band sitting there staring at me. "What? Go get ready. Riley will be there in a second." I motion for them to head to the door.

Once we start walking to the building, Carter comes to walk beside me. "Are you really not going to tell us what happened?"

"No. That's for Riley to tell." I roll my eyes and speed up so I don't get bombarded with any more questions.

I head straight to the sound booth while the other guys get ready on stage. "Hey Delta. Everything good? Where's Riley?" Matt, the sound guy, asked.

"Yeah, he should be here any minute," I reply.

"Okay guys, let's run through the intro of Over You while we wait on Bryce," Matt calls.

This goes on for the next 20 minutes as we wait on Riley. He wanted a little space, but he really can't miss soundcheck. Just as I'm about to text him, he walks on stage. You would never have guessed the same man standing in front of me right now is the one sobbing in my arms 30 minutes ago. He's all smiles and laughing with his bandmates. I am in awe of how well this man fakes it, I mean really. 

Let A Damn Good Woman Leave // Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now