EP 18

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"We're not going to do anything drastic, fa baat (your highness). Bringing you out of the environment is already drastic enough. It's in your blood. Next might not be tasteful to you. No more fresh blood source I'm afraid. It would drive the blood lust further." Dunk handed him a glass of blood. He doesn't need a lot of it. A glass a day will do. 

What Dunk said was true. He was used to having blood right from the source. The kill itself drives his adrenaline. To drink stale blood off a glass really do lack luster. But he knew what he signed up for when he came here so he gulped it all down.

"We'll start off with this off first. There's always food in the kitchen. You may ask the kitchen staff if you are hungry. Feel free to walk around the compound. I'll see you in the late afternoon, we'll work on the next thing then." Joong could only nod as Dunk left the room.  

Joong realized how different it felt to be here as he walked around the compound. He was used to the heat, the darkness, the screams but here all there was was the bird chirping and the sound of the wind. Dunk wasn't joking when he said he left his world. It was such a different world that he didn't know what to make of it. He had never been this idle before. 

"Prince Joong." He heard the soft voice of Dnie calling out to him. He nodded his head, acknowledging her presence. She invited him to sit for a light meal, which he felt was impolite to reject since she was Dunk's sister. 

"How are finding it here?" She asked softly, trying to release the awkwardness between them. 

"Good." Joong wasn't use to small talks. There was an awkward silence after.

"Where is Dunk?" Joong truly tried and he really wondered since he left him to his own device. 

"P'Dunk is working. He checks on the people who seeks refuge here and make sure of the safety of the compound." She smiled shyly at him. 

"He helps a lot of people, don't he?" He commented when he realized that there were a lot more people that Dunk helped with the way Dnie spoke. 

"As long as you are in need, P'Dunk will help. P'Pond and P'Win is afraid he is running himself to the ground. He is too giving. I'm glad he plans to ask Aa (uncle) for help." She said a matter of fact. Joong could see what they meant. No one would willingly house a prince of hell. The name itself would send people running but yet he had quietly accepted him into his home. He wondered how he could face his brother just like that. He looks even more intimidating than him. 

"Would you like me to show you around?" Joong didn't know how to reject her since Dunk already shown him around yesterday. All he did was nod awkwardly. While Joong focused on the serenity of the place, all Dnie saw was how handsome Joong was up close and personal. P'Dunk had brought home many refugees but not one of them spoke to her like Joong. There was something about this mysterious dark prince that captured her. Even if it was just an awkward silence accompanying them, she didn't mind. It sent her heart racing. 

"Fa baat (your highness)" Dunk's voice rang through. It was odd for Joong to thank god but he was glad that someone saved him from this awkward moment. 

"Thanks Dnie for saving me the time from finding him." Dunk smiled. The smile on Dnie's face drop a little knowing her time with Joong came to an end but she tried to smile, knowing that her brother was trying to help him after all. She left after. 

" While I hope the environment you are in calms you down, I don't think it helps for you to be this idle. Up for a sparring match?" Dunk grinned. Joong was glad that he even suggested it. It started off great but midway through the fight, Joong started to feel a little strange. The next time he blink, his eyes were totally black, including the white of his eyes. 

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