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SHOUT OUT TO: KRITIKA293 and MalakElithy5 and darkgossip123
"If the moon 🌙 doesn't light the sky 🌌,would people bother to look 👀 at the moon 🌙 ?"
( Jk is happy but also sad and his heartbeat is so fast and so is in Guilt. It broke his heart to see that she didn't look up even once to look at him but Jk knows the condition of her heart what storms are raging in her heart he is ready for everything If she wants to shout at him, he will remain silent; if she wants to beat him, he will bear it silently but will never let her separate from him. He had fallen so deeply in love with her that even if he wanted to, he could not come out or he might not even want to. Seeing her coming to him, he had definitely made a promise that no matter what happens, he will protect her more than his life. Yn comes and stands in front of him)

Rahul: I don't know how you persuade  my father for this wedding, but remember this, if she get even a scratch from you, I will kill you.
(Angrily Warning tone )

Jk: Don't worry, I'll kill myself  before I do anything to her and I will cherish her more than my life.
(Looking at her)

( she look at him for mere sec without any emotion and again look at ground Rahul give her hand to him and Jk felt her hands is cold. So, he held her hand tightly to provide a warm.)

Kabir: I don't know whether your marriage is happening good or not but Whenever you feel that you have lost your heart or mind in this marriage, please do not spoil her life, send her back to us.

(Yn look at Kabir with teary eyes)

Jk: never

Kabir: huh!

(Yn again look at Jk)

Jk: This will never happen And if that happens, Yn has the right to shoot me and I will give gun myself in her hand and I will also stand in front of her with my head bowed.
(Lovingly looking at yn)

(Kabir nod and give her hand to his hand and left and mr.sharma comes and asks the priest to start the marriage.)

Priest: "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
(Look at both)

Jk: i am

(Priest wait for yn answer but she is silent and Jk look at her with hopeful eyes)

Yn: (thought) I can't understand what to do?Why did mr.Jeon also agree to this marriage?and why did papa suddenly announce my marriage? I have to ask this to him.

(Yes, You heard it right mr.Jeon. Yn took a promise from her to never call him kookie because she is sad now)

Priest: Daughter I am asking you something?

(Yn look at priest and then at her father and her father give her nod sternly and yn again look at priest.)

Yn: I...I am
(Tear slip from her eyes)

( then The priest blesses the couple and joins their hand because the priest couldn't do anything because he know how Jk is dangerous mafia)

Priest: May God the eternal Father keep you of one heart in love for one another, that the peace of Christ may dwell in you and abide always in your home.

Priest:  "Do you take ms.yn sharma as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Jk: I do
(Lovingly looking at yn)

Priest: "Do you take mr.Jeon jungkook as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Yn: I..

(Jk was eagerly waiting for Yn to complete her sentence.)

Yn: I... I do
(And close her eye and tears slip)

(The time come where they both have to exchange rings and Jk forward his hand to held her hand and yn give him her hand and her hand is shaking and he held it possessively and slide the ring in her ring finger)

Priest:  "In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!"

(On hearing this, Jk and Yn's heart started beating faster and she held her dress so tightly with her fists. Jk saw her nervous and he slowly come to her and cup her face and she close her eyes tightly and Jk lean and give kiss to her forehead and yn calm down and Everyone cheer but except a few. Yn open her eyes and look down and after a while priest left after giving blessing to them.)

( they all are at dinner area and they are sitting on chairs around table and Yn just look at her ring in her ring finger)

Yn:(thought) I am married now.How easy it is to get married wearing a Magalsutar and vermillion or ring. Every girl's dream is that her marriage should be like this and that and mine was also but everything got shattered.

(Jk held her hand squeeze it in protective way And Yn look at him)

Yn: I want to ask you something.

Jk: you can but not right now your father is watching us.I know you must have many questions in your mind, I will answered all the questions but not now.
Eat dinner

Yn: I am not hungry.

Jk: for me pls

(He make morsel and make her eat it and he also eat with her and now the time come when the bride's final departure from her paternal home. Shanaya throws rice grains over her shoulders and into her mother's outstretched hands, wishing her parent's eternal prosperity and her Friends and family say their final goodbyes and send her off... and Shanaya was crying during the doli, Yn also felt like crying after seeing this Because She also knew that she was married and that too she would have to leave her place and Jk saw this and held her hand)

Jk: why are you crying??
(Softly while wiping her tears)

Yn: I also have to leave my house.
(Whisper slowly)

(Jk thin his lips because he know he can't persuade yn in this matter and every girls have to leave her house)

( after this everyone sits in their car and Rahul persuade shanaya and after Sometime  shanaya stop crying or when they reached home and they welcomed her in their house and Then mr.sharma says something that everyone gets shocked and Yn's mother starts crying and Shree and Ruhi take care of her and rahul and karan get so angry but they can't  say anything to their father)
Hello my bloomies

I hope you are doing great 👍

What would Yn's father have said to them? Guess and comment 🙂🙂

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Bye bye💕

FORCED MARRIAGE WITH MR.MAFIA JK FF 21+Where stories live. Discover now