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Kabir: how's that
(While wiping tears from yn cheeks)

Yn: beautiful
( smile with tears)

Kabir: (chuckle)

( after sometime saurav come and start game and sahil spun the bottle and stop on yn)

Sahil: truth or dare

Yn: truth

Sahil: who is your crush?

(Saurav is looking yn curiously)

Yn: (blushing) BTS

Kabir: (eye roll) of course

Yn: (hitting kabir) you.. you duffer

Kabir: stop jaan (life)

(Yn stopped and after sometime kabir's aunt come and said)

Neema: kabir come and help me in distributing dessert.

Kabir: Ok..okay


( Kabir left and yn feel something is wrong so she is also going to kitchen after some while and saw kabir running to his old room.
Neema also running behind kabir yn come in front of neema and asked)

Yn pov

Yn: why he is running ? (Angrily)

Neema: I don't know let me check him.
( while going)

Yn: (held her hand ) I will go and check on him

( Yn didn't give a damn to neema and run to  go to his old room.
Yn saw kabir condition and go to him before locked the room and asked)
Yn: kabir what happened?
( yn keep her hand on his shoulder and kabir look up at yn at hug her tightly from her waist and cry smuggling to her stomach yn keep her hand on his hair massage them.)

Yn: stop crying kabir and what happen why are you crying?

Kabir: she again try to kiss me.

Yn: who?

Kabir: my...

Yn: hmm your ?

Kabir: my aunt she try to kiss me.
When I was teenager she always take advantage of me. she try to kiss and sometime she does. You know what she say If I don't do this, she will tell everyone that I am harassing her.
Believe me yn I didn't do that.

Yn: shhh I know my kabir never do this.
Comeon let's go downstairs and stay with me.okay? And also I will talk to u later about this topic? Okay?

Kabir: hmm
(They come downstair everyone is sitting in living hall. yn held kabir hand made him sit with her)

Mrs. Malhotra : where were you guys (teasing)

Yn: nothing (shrug with smirk)

(Yn held kabir arm and put her head on his shoulder and talking with mrs. Malhotra)

Yn: I think it's getting late let's go kabir and drop me to my home.

(Kabir and yn is meeting kabir's family before going to their house.
Kabir went out to get his car. Yn saw kabir's aunt is also going behind the kabir. She run behind them and saw his aunt is held kabir jaw for to forcefully kiss him and kabir is protesting. She go to her and held her hand and come infront of her where kabir stand that time kabir's family and his uncle family also come out yn slapped her tightly.)


Neema:  how dare ypu bi*ch

Yn: like this
(Again slapped)

sanjay: how dare you to slap my wife.

Yn: ask your wife first what's
is doing with kabir.

Sanjay: what's she doing?

Yn: she is trying to kiss him.
(Shout loudly)

(Everyone gasped and everyone saw kabir. He is trembling badly)

Neema: no.. no she is lying

Yn: yes she is tried to kiss him when he run to his room.
And yes she is also trying to kiss him again.

Mrs.malhotra: how can you do that neema. I considered as you like my sister.
(While go to kabir and hugged him tightly)

Neema: I always attract to him that's why I do that I am sorry.
(With guilt)

Sanjat:How can u do that with me and also kabir? He is a child.what will you feel when its happening with your own child ?
(Shouted angrily)

Sahil and saurav: let's go dad we will talk after reaching home.

Sanjay held neema hand tightly and goes to his car and forcefully sat neema in his car and drove off)

Mrs.malhotra: kabir are you ok why don't you tell us baccha ( child)
(While crying

Mr.malhotra: why dont you tell us kabir?

Yn: because she said if he tell any of us she will tell everyone that kabir was harassing her.

Mrs.malhotra: both of u stay here and I am ordering you.

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