Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

I arrived at the Horan house and knocked on the front door. Mrs. Horan greeted me and told me Niall was in his room. As I got closer to his room, I heard Independence Day by 5SOS blasting. I barged into his room and saw him dancing around.

"What are you doing?!! You have to wait until tomorrow to listen to them." I yelled, turning the music off.

"Why?" he pouted.

"To make your concert experience better."

"Bitch, then help me pick out an outfit. I have to make them remember me when I meet them."

My jaw dropped, "Did you just say that you're meeting them?"

"Yeah, we have two VIP tickets. Harry's supposed to meet them with me, but maybe you can convince him to let you meet them with me."

"First of all, how would I convince him to do that? Two, why would he pass up a chance to meet 5SOS for me? Three, I would feel bad if I did." I sighed.

"Louis, do you even realize that Harry would probably do anything for at the snap of your fingers? Like you could probably ask him to drive 3 hours away just to get your favorite donut and he would do it in a heartbeat."

"Yeah right, Niall. He would n-"

"Yes he would. He's one of my best friends; I know how to read his emotions. Anyway, you could seduce Harry." He interrupted me.

I pushed him and he fell off the bed laughing, "Niall, what the hell! I'm not gonna seduce him!"

"Yes, you are. We'll discuss this later. Now outfit picking time." Niall cheered.

It took us an hour to find Niall the perfect outfit. "Are you making a sign?" I asked him.

"I would but I can't think of anything creative to write on it."

We sat there brainstorming for a little bit until an idea popped into my head. "Since you're an Ashton boy, write 'Ashton, I'll suck your drumstick' on your poster." I suggested.

"Fuck yeah. Let's start making it now."

After finishing the sign, we drove to my house to pick out my outfit. Niall had a smirk on his face as he pulled out tight, black skinny jeans and a maroon colored shirt.


Niall and I both rushed around to get ready even though we still had about 2 hours before Harry and Liam picked us up. We checked each other's appearance to make sure we looked perfect.  

"Damn son. You look hot." Niall wolf-whistled at me.

"Ditto." I replied

"Now to get that VIP ticket, tease the living shit out of Harry. Put that ass to work." Niall said, slapping my bum afterwards.

"Niall," I whined, "I'm going to feel bad, like what if he really wants to meet them."

"Harry's not really into them, you know he's into that hipster shit. Stop worrying, you can do this."

"Fine, you stupid bitch."

"Whatever, slut." He shot back. We heard a car horn and rushed outside. I scooted into the back seat beside Harry while Niall was sitting shotgun and Liam was driving. Niall was talking Liam's ear off about random stuff while I decided to go through with teasing Harry. He was talking about football when I remember walking in on him working out a couple weeks ago. I started my hand up and down his bicep. He started to look a bit flustered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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