Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I drove to school in my Lexus HS. I got out of my car and made my way to the front doors. I saw Taylor and her group of "friends" by the entrance. I was hoping that she wouldn't she notice me. "Harry!" Shit. Just my luck. I put on a fake smile as she wrapped her hands around my neck and I put my hands on her waist. "You didn't text me like you said you would after the party." Before you think the wrong thing, she was drunk and tried to get in my pants. I just politely removed her hands from me and carried on partying. Guaranteed she just wanted me from my popularity and looks. "Sorry Taylor, I was busy," I lied. I was playing video games and eating food all weekend. "Well if you want to come over," she said as she moved my hand onto her thigh, "just call." She walked back over to her friends swaying her hips purposely. I shook my head in disgust as I continued my way to my locker.

I was stuffing my books in my locker when I saw a blonde coming toward me. "Harreh, how ya been, man?" a thick Irish accent said. "Good, what did you do after the party, you disappeared." I responded. "Ah, well, I went to Nando's with Liam. Although, I don't really remember what I did, but we got kicked out. Then I woke up in me bed." He said. "What did YOU do after the party?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Not what you think, Niall." "Of course you didn't do anything because according to the school's slut, sorry I mean Taylor, you slept together." Niall said. "Whatever, she wishes she can get a piece of this sexy beast. But no, all the action she could get would be from a piece of rotted lettuce." I said while doing a little chest shimmy. Niall burst into laughter and leaned against the lockers for support. Who knew I was so funny?

*No hate on Taylor*

"Woo-woo-hoo, that was great. You should add that to your sheet of actually funny jokes. I pretended to be hurt and put my hand over my heart. "Well, I'll have you know Liam my book full of jokes is hilarious. Although, he wasn't laughing when he was reading them." I said scratching my head. "Mate, Liam has no sense of humor." Niall said, calming down from my acting. "I'll see you at lunch." "Kay, see ya then." he said.

On my way to class, everyone was looking at me. I knew they were talking about what I supposedly did with Taylor and me in general. Being popular can be a hard sometimes and I didn't ask to be popular. Not to sound full of myself, but playing football and being attractive make you popular and give you a reputation of being a player. Sometimes, that reputation is true, but in my case it isn't. I just want to find someone who will want me for me and not just for my looks or popularity.

I saw Liam talking to a medium-sized boy with chestnut-colored hair. Liam locked eyes with me and I walked over. Liam and I did the cliche bro hug thing and he said, "Hey, what's up?" I looked out of the corner of my eye at the medium-sized boy and said, "Eh, I'm not up to anything too interesting. I gotta go to class, I can't be late or Ms. Vander is going to kill me. Later." Liam realized he'd ignored the other boy and turned to apologized when I walked away. I know Liam a little too well and it's typical for him to apologize for small things. If someone could die of being too nice, Liam would've died many years ago.

I couldn't get that medium-sized boy out of head as I sat down in first period. I figure that he is new because Liam offered to be a guide for new students and I've never seen him before. I wonder what his name is because not just any name fits someone with those looks. I liked the view walking over, he has one fine ass, but I bet his face is even better. But that ass though, girls must be jealous of that boy's bum. If you're wondering, I am openly bisexual and the school doesn't tolerate homophobes. One time, a kid called a boy a "fag" and he was expelled. That's how much our school has a tolerance for those types of people. Anyway, I can only hope he is in some of the classes that Liam and I are in.

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