Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

The next periods went by slow, but thank the lord it's lunch time. I walked in and waited in line for the horrid food they served. I spotted Liam and the medium-sized boy with chestnut hair from this morning. I sat down across from the mystery boy and saw he was thinking like his life depended on it. Liam snapped his fingers in front of him and said something I didn't catch. "Sorry, I do that sometimes, not very often though, usually just space 90% of the time," the mystery boy rambled. I thought it was cute how he blushed and Niall joined our table. Liam introduced us the mystery boy, "Harry, Niall, this is Louis. He's new here." "I know, I think I would remember someone that attractive in the hall." I said cheekily. He blushed again. Damn, is this boy trying to kill me? I thought. Liam whispered something into his ear and his smile faltered. Louis looked at Niall as he talked with his mouth full. "Hi, love." I said. He introduced himself. His eyes are the color of the ocean and his name fits his somewhat feminine features.

Louis cracked a joke about Liam and then made a face. It was so adorable, yet funny at the same time. Niall literally fell off his seat. I just laughed even harder at the joke and Niall. None of us cared about all the people staring. Niall eventually calmed down and shouted, "Where have you been all my life?! Harry's jokes are corny and Liam's got no sense of humor." "Hey!" Liam said acting offended. But he has one hell of a point. "Gurl, I've been riding in tricycle singing 'they see me rollin', they hatin', while drinking a juice box with one hand on the handle bars." Louis sassed back. That set Niall off again. "You rebel." Liam said. He was surprisingly sort of funny, for once. The bell rang and we all headed to English.

Liam pulled me back to talk to him. He gave me a knowing look. He finally spoke, "Do you like Louis?" I felt flustered and stuttered, "N-no, w-hat made y-you think that?" Liam smirked, "Well the way you look at him, luckily you don't make it that obvious, but you really need to look into your eyes to see it. You also just blushed and stuttered! You never stutter!" "Don't tell him, he won't ever like me back!" I said quietly. "Well, to be fair, I thought I saw a twinge of 'OMG, he is so sexy' in his eyes today when he saw you." "Do you think so??!!" I said giddily. "Yes, but there might be a problem though." Liam said concerned. "What?" I questioned dumbly. "Your brothers." He said.

Shit. Fuck. Dammit. I forgot about them. Both of them usually have an interest in who date. When we were younger, they both managed to charm my girlfriend. It's really a problem, even Marcel, manages to charm them. She would break up with me and go out with one of them. Now, I've given up on relationships and hook-up with people now and then. So, I have a reputation of being a player/womanizer. I'm not as much of a manwhore people make me out to be. Just like Marcel's reputation of being the school's nerd, he does normal teenage things, but he is really smart and dresses different. Then Edward is the school's punk, just because has tattoos, piercings, and smokes. But forget reputations, I want to give relationships a try, but only for Louis. I may have just met the lad, but there's something special about him. I just hope my past with relationships won't happen again. Hopefully, Louis won't be the case.

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