Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

School finally ended. I mean I enjoyed it, but it just dragged on. Turned out I had 4 classes with Liam, 3 classes with Harry, and 2 classes with Niall. I walked home because it was only a 7 minute walk. I was thinking about asking Harry if he had brothers. Edward, Harry, and Marcel looked deadly alike with the same body, just different styles and personalities.

I just put my bag down when two little girls attacked me causing me to stumble backward. Both of them just giggled and kissed my cheeks. Phoebe and Daisy both exclaimed, "Louis, we missed you!" The twins ran back up the stairs. My mum asked, "Hi, honey how was school?"

I explained everything from making friend to possible triplets. After I was done explaining she sat there quietly for a moment. Finally, she spoke up, "Honey, you could always ask Harry or your other friends if he has two identical brothers."

"Don't you think that would be creepy? Just go up to him on the second day of school and just say 'Hey, I notice two kids in my class that look just like you and I was wondering if they're your brothers?"

"I think he'd understand because usually there aren't two people that are identical to you in one school."

I sighed defeated, "I guess your right, thanks mum."

"That's what I'm here for." She uttered pulling me into a hug. I kissed her cheek and made my way to my bedroom. As I lay back on my bed, a certain curly-haired lad popped into my head.

He's probably 3 inches taller than me and is fit as hell. He wore a button up with the first three buttons undone. You could see his two swallows tattoos on his collarbone. The shirt was tight enough to see the outline of his muscles and anybody with taste would drool over him.

Harry also had stunning emerald eyes that you could easily read his emotions like a book. Unlike, Edward's eyes whose were harder to read, yet still stunning. From the glimpse I got from Marcel's eyes, they were filled with nervousness, but were still a breathtaking green.

*Next Day*

I walked to my locker and saw Veronica waiting for me.

She spotted me and waved. I walked over and said, "Hey, gurl, hey!"

"Did you hear any delicious details about anyone, yet?"

"Not yet." I replied as I got my books.

"Good, because I ain't about that life."

"Me neither."

I shut my locker and we headed to science. Once the last bell rang Mr. Kelly started blabbing on about chemical equations.

I finally asked, "Are there triplets in this school?" Veronica looked a bit shocked.

"Impressive. Most people don't notice since they are all in completely different social groups. They start to get curious after 3 months. You, sir, are on top of your game." she said. "Wait, how did you figure that out so fast?"

"I'm Sherlock Holmes that's why and no, because they all have at least one class with me." I explained.

"Ah, well would you like to know about the gossip about the three of them?"

I raised my eyebrows, "I thought you weren't about the gossip life?"

"It's literally impossible not to know the gossip about the hottest guys in school!" she exclaimed, "Anyway let's start with your dear friend, Harry. He plays football and is the jock of his brothers."

Huh, no wonder why he has amazing legs. His skinny jeans just fit his legs perfectly. I snapped out my thoughts as she continued talking, "From what I've heard, he is a manwhore."

Ouch, that hurt. I thought he was a sweet caring guy from what I've seen. Well, as he saying goes 'innocent till proven guilty.' "The school's sluts just want to say 'I slept with Harry Styles' for attention. He seems like a great guy, so don't judge him from the gossip. Next we have Marcel. He is the school's nerd, but he's charming like his brothers." she informed me. That's interesting; he seems like the kind of guy that would keep to himself. "He doesn't get bullied like you'd expect. I don't think Harry would let that happen in the first place. I not sure how many friends he has because I've only seen him with Leeroy."

"Lastly, we have Edward, the punk. He supposedly does drugs and drinks. He is covered in tattoos and smokes. Apparently, he is dangerous, too, so don't mess with him." she finished. I looked toward the board and met Edward's eyes. I quickly diverted my eyes back to the board. The bell rang and everyone picked up their bags and walked to their next class. I saw Edward strut out room and I took my time gathering my things to head to French. As I walked out the door, someone grabbed me and pinned me against the lockers. I realized it was Edward.

I looked into his eyes and saw an unreadable expression. "I heard you and that bitch talking about me." he stated with an angry tone. I flinched and a smirk crept onto his face. "You know, Louis, you should listen to your little friend and stay out of my way. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." he whispered with a wink and walked away. I stood there frozen trying to figure out what just happened. 'Why would Edward care about Veronica and me talking about him? Doesn't everyone gossip about him and his brothers?' I thought.

I shook my head and rushed to French. I just stepped into the classroom when the bell rang. As I took my seat next to Marcel, Mrs. Roca announced that we have group projects and that she already assigned partners. I just hope it will be someone that actually does work, than just sit there and talk to another group. "Leeroy and James. And Marcel and Louis." she continued down the list. I looked at Marcel and he looked a bit fidgety. When everybody moved to work, moved my chair and leaned toward him. Just as I was about to suggest we brainstorm, he mumbled "Don't worry, I'll do the project tonight and have done for tomorrow." I gave him a confused look, "Why would you do it? We are partners, so I get a part in the project." I told him. He gave a relieved sigh, "Sorry, I'm used to people telling me to do the project and give them a good grade for sitting there." he explained. "Well, unlike those jerks, I actually do work. So let's get started."

The rest of class blew by and we decided that we'll work on the project after school at his house the next day. Just like French class, the day flew by. Praise Jesus! As I walked out of school, I saw Edward and some guy with a quiff. He caught me looking at him and smirked. I quickly looked and made my way home, replaying my 'incident' with Edward.

The Styles' Triplets ~Larry, Loucel, & Ledward~Where stories live. Discover now