Chapter 6 part 1

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Edward's POV

During science class I heard Veronica explain me and my brothers' reputations to Louis. I heated my name slip from Veronica's mouth, so I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"The punk. He supposedly does drugs and drinks everyday. He is covered in tattoos and smokes. Apparently, he is dangerous, too, so don't mess with him." she said.

I was looking at Louis' facial expression when our eyes met. A flash of fear flickered through his eyes and he quickly looked at the board. As soon as I heard the bell ring I walked out of the classroom.

I waited on the side of the door and once Louis walked out, I grabbed him and pinned him against the lockers. I felt a rush of anger flow through my veins and announced, "I heard you and that bitch talking about me." Louis flinched at my tone and I smirked, "You know, Louis, you should listen to your little friend and stay out my way. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." I said with a wink and walked away.

I looked back at him when I reached the end of the hall to see him standing there puzzled. As I reached my next class, I thought about why people are so quick to judge others. Sure m, I come as the arrogant, punk stoner who gets into fights, but that was just what people assumed. I may have gotten into some fights because people were being fuckers and pushed my buttons so I pushed their faces into the ground.

Nobody really knows me besides Zayn. I'm not a total douchebag and I don't do drugs. I mean I have weed on the occasion because I try to stay classy. Just because I hang out with Z and smoke. Louis only knows he's bullshit that goes around about me. He looked like a little kid when he's scared. I'm going to play a game with him see if he would actually try to get to know the real me, but with my own twist.

*Sorry its's the shortest thing to exist on Earth, but it's something. I give all of you permission to kill me for not updating. I don't really know what's going to happen in the rest of the story, but I'll figure something out. If you have any ideas for me, feel free to message me. Thank you for all the votes, you guys are to good!*  ~Liv

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