Chapter 11

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Louis’ POV

“Okay, students as you know your project is due today. Please hand them in. I will be passing out evaluation sheets for you to fill out,” Mrs. Roca announced to the class, “hand in the sheets in when you are done and use the rest of class as a study hall.” 

I was stuck on this one math problem and when I get frustrated it’s not pretty. I think Marcel noticed my irritation and leaned over to look at the problem. “Hi, do you need help with that?” He whispered. “Yeah.” I sighed.  Wow, I feel dumb. He figured it out in two seconds while I would’ve just skipped it and not answered it. “Thanks.”

“Not problem. I help my brothers all the time.” He said casually.


“Mum, I’m home!” I shouted walking into the house. “I’m in the living room with the girls.” She yelled back. I walked in and sat next Lottie. The twins jumped from their spots on the floor and climbed onto my lap.  “Louis, play dolls with us.” They said in unison (sometimes it was really creepy). After a bit the girls rushed off to do homework so they can play later. Mum brought in some tea I didn’t know she made and sat on the other end of the couch facing me.

“Tell me what happened with the boys.” She said sipping her tea. “Today at lunch, Niall was being weird. He asked if I liked 5 Seconds of Summer and then walked away. Then Harry asked me to go to a 5sauce concert! Turns out he was confirming that I liked the band before Harry asked me to go.”

“That’s great, honey. I know you’ve dying to get tickets. I see he really didn’t want to get rejected. Now, is it just the two of you going?”

“He said ‘us’ so I guess he Niall and Liam. Also, Marcel helped me with math when I got stuck. I felt a stupid since that he figured it out in the blink of an eye.”

“Honey, I’m sure he just trying to help. You never know he could’ve just finished that problem.” Mum suggested.

“Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Mum. I’m going to do the rest of my homework.”


Over the next two weeks, I’ve gotten closer to the triplets. I started being friends with Edward when I found out about his hidden talent. (A.N. << start of flashback, >> end of flashback)

<< I’m on my way to the art room to drop some papers off because my study hall teacher couldn’t leave the room for some reason. Personally, I think he was too lazy to do it.  I turn the door handle and walked in. It smelled of paint and clay. I saw that the teacher wasn't in the room, but Edward was. He was focused on his painting, while listening to music. I guess he heard me and he briefly looked up at me. Edward put his rush down in paused his music. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

 "I didn't know you took art classes. Your painting is really good." I said disregarding his question.

"Thanks it's nothing really." he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What are you talking about?! That is the best painting I have ever seen. It's a million times better than what I can do. That's exactly why I don't take art classes." I exclaimed.

His painting was of two children running around with their father in the park in early autumn, while there another and another child sit on a blanket cuddling and laughing. It was just very nostalgic. It reminded me of the triplets since they had a similar resemblance to the children in the painting. The art teacher came in and Edward continued painting. I gave her the papers and walked back to class. >>

Edward took me to go bowling. I met his friend, Zayn, he was quite the looker. Zayn kicked our asses at it by the way. We declared a rematch, but he still won.

I hung out with Marcel basically every day. I practically live at the styles, house now that I've become closer to all of them. Marcel and I study together and hang out in his room talking. A plus side to hanging out there is that I have been getting better grades and being with friends.

On the downside, I don't see my family as much, but I never really did anyway. I also spent time with Harry at his house, at lunch, and during PE. I learned that he likes to tell corny jokes and he loves his headbands. I hung out with Harry. The times we hung out we would go to the park and walk around. Then we usually went to café nearby. The scenery was beautiful with the snow dusting the trees. People always stereotype jocks to be douches, some are, don't get me wrong, but Harry's actually really considerate and caring.

In addition to getting closer to the triplets, I'm better friends with Niall and Liam. Especially Niall because we fangirl about everything in the fandom. We've been so pumped about going to the 5sauce concert. I think we're going to release the water works tomorrow.

Why tomorrow you ask? Because the concert is TOMORROW!!! Like holy fucking shit. This is actually happening. I'm going over Niall's house tonight to help him with his outfit for tomorrow. He's helping me with mine tomorrow.

~ You guys can kill me for not updating. I’ll definitely be updating more around November and December. I'm re-uploading this because I was told it was blank. Hopefully it will work this time. Anyway, thanks for the comments and votes. Feel free to comment or message me suggestions. ~Liv 

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