Chapter 1

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* Hey, this is my first time writing a fanfic, so don't yell at me if it is bad! Feedback is welcome. * ~Liv

Louis' POV

"Honey, we have to leave or you're going to be late for school." my mum yelled from downstairs. I made sure I have everything I need for my first day.


My mum parked in front of school and said, "Have a great first day." She pulled me into a hug. "Okay, mum, let go now," I said as she started to release me. "Bye, love." she said. "Bye mum." I watched as my mum pulled out of the parking lot. I walked inside and went to the office. I went up to the desk and stated, "Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm a new stu-" "Oh, here is your timetable and if you follow me," the red-head interrupted. She led me into Principal Cowell's office and a brunette-haired boy with big brown eyes was already in there. "Ah, this must be the new student. Welcome, my boy. I have arranged for Liam here," he pointed to the other boy in the room, "to show you to your classes and locker. Enjoy your first day."

I followed the boy out of the office. "Hi, I'm Liam Payne" he said as we made our way to my locker. "I'm Louis Tomlinson." We stopped in front of a locker, which I assume is mine. "Can I see your timetable?" Liam asked. I nodded and handed it over. he put the combination in and opened my locker. He continued looking at my timetable and said, "We have music, Maths, English, and P.E. together. "Brilliant, at least I'll know somebody." I saw Liam look behind me as I put my books in my locker. I saw a head of curly hair walk over to where we were and did one of those bro hug things. "Hey, what's up?" Liam said ignoring my presence. "Eh, I'm not up to anything too interesting. I gotta go to class, I can't be late or Ms. Vander is going to kill me. Later." said the curly haired boy. "Sorry, that was my best mate Harry. Anyway, you have science with Mr. Kelly first. Come on let's go before we are late." Liam said as the second bell rang. He stopped in of the classroom and said, "I'll meet you here at the end of the period to show you to your next class. Okay, I have to go, see you later." "Bye." I said and walked into the classroom. Damn, I'm so awkward, usually I'd be cracking jokes.

The teacher waved me over and announced, "Hello everyone, we have a new student, Louis. You can take a seat next to Veronica. Veronica, raise your hand." I made my way to a girl with long curly brown hair and glasses. I sat at lab table as Mr. Kelly went on about shit I didn't care about. "I'm Veronica, as you know. So where are you from?" she asked. "I just moved here from Doncaster." I replied. "Have you heard any gossip yet?" "Not yet, I can't wait for all the juicy rumors and write them down and their sources. Then I publish the book and wait for someone to get bitch slapped." I said sarcastically. Veronica laughed quietly. I looked toward the front of the room as a boy with lots of tattoos and looks like that Harry boy's doppleganger. "Edward, how nice of you to join us." Mr. Kelly said loudly. Edward just rolled his eyes and walked to his seat. We locked eyes for a moment and behind those emerald eyes is a mystery. Veronica nudged me and said, "Looks like you were having eye-sex with Styles." My jaw dropped and I started cracking up. She joined me in laughter. Mr. Kelly turned and said, "Louis and Veronica, what's so funny?" "I was telling Veronica a science joke." I responded. "Really, let's hear it." "Why did the mushroom go to the party?" I said and everyone was silent. "He was a fungi!" I said smoothly. Mr. Kelly and everyone cringed because how corny it was and went back to work.

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