Chapter 9

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Louis’ POV

It was 2:45 when I left to go to Marcel’s. I pulled in at 2:57 and stayed in the car.  Will I have another encounter with Edward? How long is this going to take? What if Edward suddenly decides he wants to fuck me? Would he do with other people in the house? My thoughts raced. I glanced at the clock and climbed out of the car.

 Once I got to the front door, I knocked a couple times and this time Harry didn’t look as surprised to see me. He’s dressed in a ripped tank top, basketball shorts, and a snapback. Fuck, he’s hot. I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing that I was staring at him rather than talking to him. I looked up at him and he was smirking at me, “Hello to you too, Louis.” I blushed and walked into the house. “He should be in his room.” Harry announced. I nodded and headed upstairs. I was relieved that I haven’t seen Edward, yet. I knocked and walked into Marcel’s room.

“Hey.” Marcel greeted.

“Hi.” I replied.

 “Let’s get to it.”


Marcel and I are about 95% done, but we decided to take a quick break. I got off the bean bag I was sitting in and walked up to one of his book shelves. I skimmed the titles while tracing my fingers over the spines of the books. “You must really like reading.” I broke the silence.

“Yeah, it’s like an escape for me.” I shot him a questioning look.

“Uh, well it lets me escape from the family drama, the pressures of school, and overall, it’s enjoyable.” He explains.

 I nodded, “I bet it’s nice. It’s hard to find the time with a house full of kids.” I saw a title that caught my eye. “Isn’t Shiver a girl’s book?” I glanced at the back, “If I recall, it’s about a girl and a werewolf who are in watch each other in the night, they fall in love, and then fight to stay together.”

Marcel blushed.  “How do you know what it’s about?” he questioned me with a smug smile.

“Well, uh... it was Lottie’s and she...uh made me read it, yeah, to help her with her uh book project.” He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Fine, I wanted to see if it was like the werewolf version Twilight. Anyway, didn’t the ending to Forever want to punch someone?”

“Fuck yeah, it did!” He exclaimed.

Then we spent the next half an hour ranting about books. “We should get this stupid project over and done with, but first where’s the bathroom?” I asked.

“Two doors to the left.” Marcel instructed. “Thanks.”

I closed the door on my way out. Wait, what way do I go?  I was more focused on getting to pee. I think he said two doors to the right. Let’s hope I’m right. I thought. I counted two doors to the right and walked in. Unluckily, I was wrong and it was definitely not a bathroom. Luckily, it was Harry’s room, not Edward’s, and he was currently working out. Harry looked up when he heard the door open and stopped in the middle of a push-up. He stood up and he was glistening with sweat. Hot damn, this boy and his abs are going to be the death of me. Never thought a sweaty boy would be so sexy. “Any particular reason, why you’re in here?” Harry asked.

I blushed, “Oh, um I was looking for the bathroom and I guess I went the wrong way.”

“Apparently, well from here it is four doors to the left.”

“Okay, thank you, sorry, bye.” I spluttered. I heard him chuckle at me and my awkwardness. I rushed out the door and hurried to the bathroom. I finally went pee and I headed back to Marcel’s room. We finished the rest of the project by the time Harry popped in to tell us dinner was ready. “Do you want to stay for dinner?” Marcel asked.

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