Chapter 6 Part 2

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Marcel's POV

I was already settled in class and just before the last bell rang Louis came rushing in.

Ahh...Louis. He is one attractive man. When I hear him speak French, I wanna pounce on him. It is probably the sexiest thing I've ever heard in my life.

Mrs. Roca clapped her hands and said something about assigned partners for a project. Everybody groaned including moi.

 People think they can sit and do nothing just because I am the school's nerd. Those people are total bitches, but I do the work anyway.

"Leeroy and James. And Marcel and Louis." Mrs. Roca listed off.

Oh my Jesus. I get to work with the hot new kid. Somebody catch me, I might faint. No? Okay, never mind. He pushed his desk over and my hands were twitching.

Damn it, Marcel! Get your shit together.

 My mind was racing, I panicked and blurted out, "Don't worry, I'll have it done by tomorrow." He shot me a puzzled look and asked, "Why would you do it? We are partners, so I get a part in the project."

I sighed in relief, "Sorry, I'm used to people telling me to do the project and get them a good grade for sitting there." Literally happens every single time, those fuckers.

 "Well, unlike those jerks, I actually do work. So let's get started." At the end of class, I suggested he come by and work on the assignment tomorrow. I gave him my address when the bell rung.


School just ended and everyone is rushing to get home. Today was pretty good, although it wasn't good that I spaced out in every class thinking about Louis.

 I walked towards Edward's car that was parked behind the school. I spotted Edward leaning against the car talking to Zayn. He said bye to Zayn and started the car as I stepped into it.

 “So did you do anything interesting, Edwardo?” His hands tighten their grip on the steering wheel once he heard his nickname. “I told you not to call me that and define interesting.” He answered.

 “ unusual or cool.” I stated. He chuckled a bit while thinking of something.

“Well, Nick held some freak by their foot and shook the lunch money out of his pockets like a cliché bully in the movies.” I laughed, but felt bad because that would be me if my brothers didn’t have my back. If they tried, they would end up with a broken nose.

 We arrived at our house and walked through the door to be greeted with the aroma of good food. “Mmmmm mum, it smells great.” Edward said. “It’ll be done soon, go start homework.” Mum yelled from the kitchen.

Edwardo scoffed, “Like I do that shit.” Mum sighed, “You’ll be in this house with me until your 37.” We all laughed. Edward and I went to our rooms.

 I took mum’s suggestion and began working on my homework. Sometime later, Edward walked in and told me dinner ready. Damn, time goes flies. “Hold on, let me finish this.”

Edward rolled eyes and dragged me off my bed. Then threw me over his shoulder and descended down the stairs. Mum saw us as Edward set me down and Harry walked in and almost drooled at the sight of all the food. We all dug in and I realized Louis coming to my circus of a house.


 ~ You can finally use your weapons on me. I'm a horrible writer/updater. I will try to write some chapters, edit them, and mass post them. This time it shouldn't take 10 years to do so. Summer has finally arrived. Enjoy it. ~Liv

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