Chapter 7

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Louis’ POV

School was pretty decent today. I got an A on my test. 'Cause Imma boss ass bitch bitch bitch bitch. People started laughing because I was doing a little ‘I am too good for all you motherfuckers’ dance. I was walking out the front entrance when I saw Marcel and I remembered I’m going over his house. His brothers are probably going to be there. I am royally fucked.  Marcel looked up and waved me over. “Hey.”

“Hi, erm… don’t forget to come at 3.”

“Will do, captain.” I saluted.


As I drove to his house, I could only imagine what it would be like having to brothers who have a completely different persona than you.

 I parked my car in the drive way and walked to the front door. Each step I took, I began to get more nervous. ‘Calm down, Lou, you’re only here to do a project with Marcel. Aw, who am I kidding?! Three sex gods live in one house!’ I thought. I hesitantly rang the door bell. I heard footsteps and the door opened. Harry was standing there shocked. “W-what are you doing here?”  He spluttered. “Hi, I’m here for Marcel.” His jaw dropped a bit and I smirked. Harry snapped out of his trance and opened the door wider, letting me walk in.

“Marcel, Louis’ here.” Harry yelled.

“Tell him to come up.” Marcel yelled back.

“Go up the stairs, down the hall, and it is third door on the right.” Harry instructed. I was about to head up the stairs and I saw Edward leaning against the door frame.  He shot me a wink and I made my way to Marcel’s room. I knocked and stepped in. His room wasn’t what I was expecting. There were band posters and books everywhere.

 “Hi, um, you can put your bag down and get comfy. Let’s get started.”


We got off-topic multiple times while working on French. Marcel was a deep thinker and he wanted to know why people were the way they are. He was explaining that there are many factors contributing to a person’s personality and attitude; what their life is like at home, school, their social life, and internet life. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” He mumbled. “No, this is actually interesting. This is better than a psychology class.” After that we began working on the project again.


“Hey, can we take a break? We’ve been working for a while.” I asked.

“Yeah, want anything to eat or drink?” Marcel asked me.

“I’ll just have some water.”

We went to the kitchen and Marcel grabbed a glass from the cupboard. He poured the water into the cup and hands it to me. “Thanks.” I said. “No problem, I’m going to use the bathroom.” Marcel stated.

I took a sip of my water and placed on the counter. I walked to the fridge and looked at the pictures on it.  I smiled at the picture of the brothers when they were little. Edward had sunglasses on leading the others on his tricycle, Harry was on his left with a fedora on, and Marcel on his right with his glasses on.

I heard a tiny creaking, but I ignored it. I suddenly felt hands on my hips. I let out a little squeak and then they turned me around. It was Edward pining me to the fridge.

“What are you doing down here alone, babe?” He smirked.

“I was drinking some water because I was thirsty.”

“I bet you are thirsty, just not for any water.” He shot back with a wink.

“Fuck off, Edward.” I hissed.

“No thanks, I’d rather fuck you.”

“Like that would happen, you pig.” 

“That wasn’t very nice, babe, now was it?” He said back, tightening his grip on my hips.

“It wasn’t supposed to be, you ass.”

“Your sass level is off the charts and speaking of asses,” he said shifting his hands from my hips to my ass and squeezed it, “yours is fucking fantastic.”

“What the actual fuck! Stop groping me!”

“You won’t be saying that later.” He winked.

I heard a door open and I guess Edward did too. He leaned down and whispered, “This discussion isn’t over.” in my ear. My cheeks started heating up as Edward walked out like nothing ever happened. I took a moment to try and compose myself. Marcel glances at Edward and continues walking toward me. Something flashes in his eyes when notices my cheeks are red. He doesn’t question it and leads me back to his room. We continue to work on the project until six and I realize that I should get home. I never told mum that I would be home late. Whoops. “Hey, Marcel, I have to be home soon.” I pointed out. “Alright, we get together again to finish in the next week.” He answered. Marcel walked me to the door and we said our final good-byes.

~ Hola, mi amigos. Here’s another chapter for you wonderful people. I’m not mass posting today, but I will be when I find some more inspiration and ideas. Thank you all for voting on the chapters. I don’t know why you do, I kind of suck at writing, but nonetheless thank you.  Feel free to message me or comment some ideas. I’ll mostly likely respond back because I don’t have a life. ~ Liv

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