Chapter 3

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Louis' POV

Liam showed me to my Advanced French class after science. I thanked him for showing me around. He seems like a great guy, but I'm a little awkward for unknown reasons. I took my seat and I usually am a jokester and can be pretty cheeky. I blame the nerves, it is my first day after all. A boy with his hair gelled back and big glasses sat next to me. He took out his pencil and binder. He looked very familiar, yet not familiar at all. Once I got a glimpse of his eyes, it clicked. He looked so much like Harry and Edward, but a different style. Mrs. Roca told the class that I was new and all that jazz. She started doing attendance, she called out the name Marcel and the boy with the gelled hair and glasses said "Here." in his somewhat nasally voice. Towards the end of the period, Mrs. Roca let us have some free time. I noticed that Marcel started his homework, while talking to a boy with pink sweatband on. I think his name started with an L.....Leo. No. Lee. No. Ah Leeroy. He seemed very outgoing and dressed like a dancer in a music video. He also looked a bit like Liam.

After the next period P.E., which I had with Liam, we made our way to lunch. I saw Veronica and waved. She waved back. "Wow, you already made friends with the hottest girl in school." Liam said. "Yeah, she's in my science class." I replied back. I thought about what about what he said, Veronica was beautiful with her long, dark brown curls and hazel eyes. She dresses like a 'sexy assistant' as I liked to call it. Veronica wears a blouse, a long black pencil skirt, and black pumps. Despite the fact that everyone wants her, she wasn't my type. My type was more tall guys, yes guys, that are muscular, with magnificent eyes and possibly dimples. Liam snapped in my face and said, "You looked like you were in deep thought." "Sorry, I do that sometimes, not very often though, usually just space out 90% of the time." I rambled.

Liam smiled and said, "I want you to meet my best mates, Harry and Niall." He pointed to Mr. Curly and a blonde boy. "Harry, Niall, this is Louis. He's new here." "I know, I think I would remember someone that attractive in the halls." Harry said cheekily. I blushed and Liam whispered, "Don't worry he says stuff like that all the time," to me. My smile fell a bit and Niall said, "Hewoah." with a mouth full of food. "Niall, we talked about talking with your mouth full." Liam said sternly. Niall swallowed and retorted, "Alright, alright mother." in his Irish accent. I love accents even other British accents. "Hi, love." the curly-haired boy said. "Hello, I'm Louis as Liam said." I said.

Niall again talked with his mouth full, "Don't worreh afout fis doofus ofer here, he fis ta daddy of ta group." Liam scolded him and gave him a speech about manners. Once he was done I joked and cooed, "Are you gonna make him eat his veggies and change his nappy as well?" Niall slammed his fist on the table and started laughing; Harry joined Niall in laughter, and turned pink and chuckled. I pulled my signature funny face nobody has seen yet and Niall fell out of his seat laughing. I made eye-contact with Veronica and she mouthed "What happened?" I mouthed back, "I made a funny face." She shook her head and chuckled a bit.

After calming down and getting up, Niall exclaimed, "Where have you been all my life?! Harry's jokes are corny and Liam's got no sense of humor." "Hey!" Liam said offended. "Gurl, I've been riding my tricycle singing 'they see rollin', they hatin' while drinking a juice box with one hand on the handle bars." This time they all burst into laughter. "You rebel!" Liam said. The bell rang signaling us we had to go to our next class. Coincidentally, we all had English together. Niall and I joked around as we walked into class while Liam and Harry seemed to be talking about something serious. I wonder what they were talking about.

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