Chapter 10

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Louis' POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed and thought back to last night. 'I went to Marcel's, finished our French project, stayed for dinner, watched a scary movie, cuddled with Harry, and fell asleep. My eyes widened and I shut up in bed. Shit, I'm still in the triplets' house. I flock back down on the bed and rub my face. 'Wait how did I end up here if I passed out on the couch? Fuck. One of the boys must've carried me here. He had to have struggled getting me in here.

 I got up from the bed, which is really comfy by the way, and found my way to the kitchen. When I walked in I saw her he shaking his hips to' better than words' as he flipped a pancake. I sat on the edge of the table and enjoyed the show. He turned around to grab something and saw me leaning on the table watching him. He immediately stopped dancing and turned off the music. His face was flushed with embarrassment. "How long have you been sitting there?" he asked. "Not long." I smirked.

 Harry walked up to me and put his hands on either side of me. "At least I didn't end up in somebody else's bed." He whispered in my ear. I pushed him away and looked anywhere else but at him. He grinned at me. "I think you're burning those poor pancakes." His smile was wiped off his face and he rushed over to the stove. He grabbed a spatula and transferred the pancakes to the plate. Unfortunately, the pancakes where as black as night. "Damn, I blame you." Harry said facing me.

 "How is that my fault?" I exclaimed. "You distracted me and now those pancakes aren't edible." He said loudly.

 He looked at the black pancakes and picked them up. He, then, threw the pancakes at me. "Oh, it's on." I declared. I picked up the pancakes and I started my assault. The first pancake just missed Harry and the second one hit him in the arm. He picked them up and threw one, hitting my shoulder. I retreated to the living room after scooping up the breakfast food. I felt a pancake hit my bum. I turned back to look at him and saw him laughing. I threw my last one and hit him square in the forehead. He gasped, "I'm coming for you, now!"

As I ran from him, I tripped on the leg of the coffee table and fell onto the couch. I just flipped over when he jumped on me and tried shoving a pancake down my shirt. We were interrupted by a voice, "Why are there burnt pancakes on the floor?" Edward was standing there giving us a questioning look.

Harry climbed off me, "If you must know, Edwardo, Louis here distracted me from cooking. He thought it was funny that I burnt them and I got my revenge by throwing pancakes at him." I sat up and looked at the brothers.

 "What a tale! Now make me some unburnt pancakes, bitch." Edward commanded, pushing Harry toward the kitchen. Harry scoffed, "Only for my loving brother." While Harry and Edward where in the kitchen, I decided to find the pancakes and I ended up finding all but one pancake. I scoured the room trying to find the last one. Harry announced that breakfast was done. As Harry grab the syrup, Marcel walked in. We all sat down and ate and silence for the most part. I broke the silence, "Hey, Harry. I couldn't find the last pancake. I looked all over the living room for it."

He looked amused, "Well, I guess the second looking for things. I'll check after we're done." 
"Why are we looking for a pancake at all?" Marcel asked confused.
"We may have had a pancake war." I said quietly. Marcel rolled his eyes at Harry and I. When we finished up, Harry started searching for the missing pancake. After five minutes, Harry gave up his search. "How could we lose a pancake?" He mumbled to himself. 
"Now who sucks at looking for things?" I raise my eyebrow. Harry just glared at me. I glanced at the clock. It's 10:43. Shit, my mum's gonna freak. 
"Hey I got to go before my mom flipped out." I said. "Okay." He responded. I gathered my stuff and gave Harry a quick hug. "Thanks for feeding me and letting me crash here." 
"No problem."
I rushed out the door and started driving home.

The Styles' Triplets ~Larry, Loucel, & Ledward~Where stories live. Discover now