Chapter 8

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Louis’ POV

Once I stepped through the door, my interrogation started. “Where were you? Were you with someone? What were you doing?” and other questions were thrown at me. “Mum, stop, this isn’t an interrogation room.”

“Sorry, I just want to know what you were doing. I figured that you’d call if you went somewhere else besides here after school.”

“Oh, well, I was at my friend, Marcel’s house working on a project.”

Mum ran up to me and hugged me. “Yay, you’re making friends already.”

“Mum, stop! Let go!” I pleaded.

“Sorry, it’s nice to know that you’re making friends this fast. You know it’s only been three days.” She apologized. “Stop apologizing, it’s okay mum. You just get a bit over-excited.” I replied.

“Whatever, kid.” She sassed back.

I rolled my eyes and asked when diner was going to be ready. Her eyes widened and she scurried into the kitchen. I shook my head and made my way to the kitchen. I started to get the plates out of the cupboard to set the table while mum saved the chicken from being burned. “Thanks, love. I was blessed with the best kid. Hopefully, the rest to turn out like you.” She said fondly

“Let’s hope they won’t moon anybody at school, though.” I said.

“I still can’t believe you did that. I probably should have expected it; you were on a comedic streak. Dinner’s ready!”  She called out. I heard scuffling coming from upstairs and all the girls were at the table in seconds. We ate and afterwards we went to our rooms. I jumped into bed and turned on some music. Everything I Didn’t Say by 5 Seconds of Summer came on and I smiled. I sang along softly while pulling out a book to read. I eventually put my book away and went on Tumblr. I reblogged many posts of 5SOS (don’t tell anyone and I have no regrets).  That was how I spent most nights, I know what a loser. Then I went to sleep thinking about three pairs of green eyes.


I took my seat next to Veronica, “Hey.” “I heard that you went over someone’s house yesterday.” She said.

“I did.”

“Well, did that someone have two identical brothers?” Veronica questioned.

“I don’t recall.” I scratched my head.

“I guess you have short-term memory loss then. So, tell me what happened.” Veronica rolled her eyes.


“Yes.” She argued.

“No.” I argued back.


“Fine.”  Veronica smiled victoriously. A substitute walked in and announced that Mr. Kelly is out. He also said that we are to use this class as a study hall since Mr. Kelly didn’t leave plans. I, then, told Veronica about Edward after class yesterday and what happened at the triplets’ house. “Holy shit, looks like Edward doesn’t want to stay away. He probably wants you to be his slut.” Veronica snickered. “What the fuck! Ew.” I snorted. Really, I was imagining him pounding into me.  I snapped out it before a problem could start in the lower regions. Veronica slapped my arm, “You were so imagining Edward fucking you. Am I right or am I right?”

“Yes, you are right.” I grumbled. I looked forward as Veronica laughed at me. I made eye contact with Edward as he went to sharpen his pencil. On his way, he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “So you do wanna be fucked? I knew it, slut. I’m surprise you didn’t accept last night. We would have had a good time. Too bad, you missed your chance.” He walked calmly back to his seat. Veronica raised her eyebrows at me and I told her what Edward just said. “He totally wants you, but I know you’re going to have to work for him.” She commented.

“No, I barely know the guy. Plus, he is kind of creepy.”

“Well, when you decide you want some from him, I suggest befriending him first and then take it from there.” She advised.

“I bet if I asked he would gladly do it.”

“Whatever you say, go over there and ask him Mr. Overconfident.” She laughed.

Why do I have such a big mouth sometimes? What if he says yes? I don’t think I could go through with it if he said yes. I thought. I crumpled up a piece of paper and walked up to the trash can area. I threw it and purposely missed. I bent down to pick up the paper, giving Edward a nice view of my ass and I could feel his eyes on me. I threw the paper I the trash can and I approached him.  “I was wondering if,” I said seductively, running my fingers up his bicep, “I could take you up on that offer.”

 Edward smirked at me, “Not today, babe. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. You’re going to have to try harder.”  I walked away defeated when I felt him smack my bum. Now, I scurried back to my seat blushing. I could feel everyone staring at me, so I put my head down. “I told you he’s gonna make you work for it.” Veronica whispered to me. I sat with my head on the table until the end of class.

I headed to French once the bell rang and when I arrived Marcel was talking to his friend, Leeroy. I sank down into my seat and set my bag on the floor. I glanced at the two boys talking and Leeroy looks a bit like Liam. My thoughts were interrupted when Marcel tapped my shoulder. I turned to look at him, “Hi, erm, since the project is due on Monday, do you want to come over and finish on Friday?” He said awkwardly. “Sure.” I murmured. Just after I replied Mrs. Roca began teaching.


Next thing I knew, it was time to eat food and thank the lord; I’m starved. In line, I looked for Liam, Niall, and Harry. I spotted them sitting in the far right corner of the cafeteria when I reached the cashier lady. I sat next down next to Niall and he was in a debate with Liam about something. Harry was picking at his food, so I tried to figure out what the two boys were debating about. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry staring at me. I ignored his gaze and continued listening to the other boys.


Soon enough, school was over. I drove home thinking about what will happen at Marcel’s house considering the last time I was there.

 ~ As requested, here's chapter 8. I hope you like it. I'll try to write and post as much as I can before August because my mom is getting surgery and I have band camp. Yes, I am a band weenie. I've used up my summer in bed. Oops. Feel free to comment or message me any suggestions. ~Liv 

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