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The morning sun filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow over the apartment as Y/N sat on the edge of the sofa, her laptop perched on the coffee table in front of her. Today was the day—the results for her exam would be released. She had been waiting for this moment for weeks, but now that it was here, her nerves were getting the better of her.

Her phone buzzed for the umpteenth time, and she glanced at the screen. It was another message from Aiko: "Is it out yet?!"

Y/N groaned softly, rubbing her temples. Aiko and Hana had been calling and texting non-stop, just as anxious about the results as she was. But right now, she couldn't deal with the flood of messages. Her hands were already trembling at the thought of opening the portal and seeing her score.

From the kitchen, Soshiro Hoshina glanced over, noticing the worried expression on her face. He had been watching her pace back and forth for the last thirty minutes, and now, as she sat in front of the screen, he could tell she was on the verge of a mini meltdown.

With a warm smile, he set down the cup of tea he'd been making and walked over to her. "You're overthinking it," he said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N looked up at him, her face full of anxiety. "I can't help it. What if I didn't pass? What if I missed something important?"

Soshiro chuckled, sitting down beside her and pulling her close. "You're going to pass with flying colors. I know it. You worked so hard for this."

Y/N sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I wish I had your confidence."

Soshiro pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, making her heart flutter. "I have enough confidence for both of us," he teased, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "But I'll share some with you if it helps."

Despite her nerves, Y/N couldn't help but smile at his words. He always knew how to calm her down, even in her most stressful moments.

As the time approached for the results to be released, Y/N's stomach churned with nervous anticipation. Soshiro stayed by her side, his hand resting reassuringly on her back as they both stared at the laptop screen, waiting for the clock to hit the exact minute.

Y/N took a deep breath and reached for the keyboard. Her hands were shaking as she typed in her login information. The loading icon spun for what felt like an eternity, and Y/N could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

Soshiro leaned in closer, watching the screen intently. "This is it," he whispered.

Y/N held her breath as the page refreshed, and then—there it was. Her result flashed on the screen in bold letters: Pass—Perfect Score.

For a second, Y/N stared at the screen, completely frozen. Then, it hit her.

"I passed!" she screamed, her voice filled with joy and disbelief. "I passed with a perfect score!"

Before she could even process it fully, she launched herself into Soshiro's arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest. "I did it!" she cried, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "I really did it!"

Soshiro laughed, his heart swelling with pride as he held her close. "I knew you would," he murmured into her ear, stroking her back soothingly. "I never had any doubts."

Y/N pulled back slightly, her face still wet with happy tears, and without thinking, she kissed him on the lips. It was a quick, spontaneous kiss, but it was filled with all the excitement and relief she was feeling in that moment.

Soshiro smiled against her lips before deepening the kiss for just a second longer, savoring the warmth of her happiness. When they finally pulled apart, he brushed a thumb over her cheek to wipe away her tears. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered.

Y/N sniffled, her heart racing from the emotions and the kiss. "Thank you for believing in me."

Just then, her phone buzzed again, this time with an incoming call. It was Aiko, and Y/N quickly picked up.

"Y/N!!" Aiko's voice rang through the phone. "Did you check? What did you get?"

Y/N laughed, still wiping at her eyes. "I passed! I got a perfect score!"

There was a high-pitched squeal on the other end of the line as Aiko cheered. "No way! That's amazing! You're incredible, Y/N! Wait—hold on, let me add Hana to the call."

Within moments, Hana joined the conversation, her voice just as excited. "Y/N, you passed?! Oh my god, this is the best news ever!"

"All three of us did it!" Aiko exclaimed. "Hana and I passed too!"

Y/N's face lit up even more, if that was even possible. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!"

The three of them continued shouting and laughing over the phone, sharing their joy and excitement. Soshiro, who had been quietly listening from beside Y/N, couldn't help but smile. He loved seeing her like this—so full of life and happiness.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder as she continued chatting with her friends. Every now and then, he would kiss the side of her neck or nuzzle into her hair, content just to be close to her.

"I can't believe we all made it!" Hana said excitedly. "We should celebrate! How about dinner this weekend?"

"Yes! Let's do it!" Aiko agreed. "Y/N, you have to come. No excuses."

Y/N glanced at Soshiro, who raised an eyebrow playfully. "I think I can manage that," she said with a grin.

"Great! We'll plan something amazing!" Aiko chimed, already sounding thrilled about the upcoming celebration. "Okay, I have to run, but I'll message you guys later. Congrats again, Y/N! You're a genius!"

After saying goodbye to her friends, Y/N hung up the phone and leaned back into Soshiro's embrace, letting out a content sigh.

"They're so happy," she murmured. "I can't believe it's all over."

Soshiro kissed her temple, his arms still wrapped securely around her. "You deserve every bit of this. You worked so hard."

Y/N turned slightly to look at him, her eyes still sparkling from the happy tears. "Thank you for always being here, Soshiro. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Soshiro's expression softened, and he gently cupped her face in his hands. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N. No matter what."

He kissed her again, this time slower and more tenderly, as if savoring the moment. Y/N's heart fluttered in her chest, the warmth of his affection filling her with an overwhelming sense of love and security. When they finally pulled apart, she rested her forehead against his, their breaths mingling in the quiet space between them.

"I love you," Soshiro whispered, his voice barely audible.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled softly. "I love you too."

They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, basking in the glow of the moment. There was no need for more words—everything they needed was right there, in the warmth of their embrace.

Eventually, Soshiro pulled her closer, hugging her tightly from behind once more as they settled back onto the sofa. "So, what's next?" he asked with a grin. "Big celebration? Fancy dinner? I'm thinking... fireworks."

Y/N laughed, leaning back into him. "Maybe something a little more low-key."

"Low-key, huh?" he mused, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "As long as I get to spend it with you, I'm in."

Y/N smiled, feeling a familiar warmth in her chest. She had passed her exam, her friends were celebrating, and most of all, she had Soshiro by her side—showering her with love every step of the way.

And for Y/N, that was more than enough.

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