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The sun shone brightly as Y/N strolled down the bustling street, the cool breeze ruffling her hair. Today was a much-needed break from all the studying and stress, and she was thrilled to be meeting Aiko and Hana for a long-overdue catch-up. Soshiro Hoshina had been called away for duties earlier in the day, but before he left, he had made sure to remind her to be careful.

"I'll be waiting for you at home," he had said, his voice warm as he gently brushed his fingers across her cheek. His smile, full of affection, had made Y/N's heart skip a beat.

Now, walking into the café where she was meeting her friends, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She hadn't seen Aiko and Hana in weeks, and there was so much to talk about.

"Y/N!" Aiko's voice rang out the moment Y/N entered the café.

She looked up and saw her two friends waving enthusiastically from a corner table. Y/N waved back and made her way over, grinning as she sat down.

"I missed you guys!" Y/N said as she hugged both of them. "It feels like it's been forever!"

Hana chuckled. "It has been forever. We've been swamped with work, and you've been busy with Soshiro Hoshina." She winked teasingly.

Y/N blushed at the mention of his name but tried to play it cool. "Well, you know... he's been busy too."

Aiko raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Busy? Or busy with you?" She grinned mischievously.

Y/N rolled her eyes, though her cheeks were now pink. "Can we not do this right at the start? I haven't even ordered my coffee yet."

Aiko and Hana both laughed, but they dropped the teasing—for now.

The three of them ordered their drinks and some pastries, settling into comfortable conversation as they caught up on everything that had been happening in their lives. Y/N shared how she had passed her exams with a perfect score, and Aiko and Hana congratulated her all over again, even though they had already celebrated over the phone.

"You've been on fire lately, Y/N," Hana said with admiration in her voice. "First the exams, and now... well, everything else."

Y/N smiled, feeling content. "It's been a good few weeks."

"And you're practically living with Soshiro Hoshina now," Aiko added, giving Y/N a knowing look. "Come on, don't leave us hanging. What's it like staying with him?"

Y/N felt her heart skip again at the mention of his name. It was still so new, this feeling of being with someone who made her heart race and her stomach flutter with just a smile or a touch.

"Well," Y/N began, trying to keep her voice steady, "he's been really sweet. He's busy with his duties a lot, but whenever he's home, he always makes time for me. We've kind of fallen into a routine."

Hana leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Oh? Do tell. What's this 'routine'?"

Y/N laughed softly. "It's nothing big. I'll usually read or study while he's training, and then we'll spend some time together in the evenings. He always makes sure I'm okay and, well..."

Aiko smirked. "And?"

Y/N hesitated, her face turning red. "He's... affectionate. Like, really affectionate."

Both Aiko and Hana squealed in delight, practically bouncing in their seats.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N!" Aiko gushed. "That's so cute! Soshiro Hoshina, of all people, being affectionate? I never would've imagined!"

Y/N giggled, covering her face with her hands. "It's true! He's always kissing me, hugging me, holding my hand. It's like he can't get enough."

Hana laughed. "And you? How do you feel about it?"

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