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Y/N lay sprawled on the sofa, her eyes fixed on the ring on her finger. The sunlight streaming through the window caught the diamond, making it sparkle brilliantly. She couldn't help but smile as she admired it for the hundredth time that day.

"I'm Soshiro Hoshina's fiancée," Y/N murmured to herself, her heart fluttering at the thought. She traced the outline of the ring, her lips curving into a dreamy smile. The weight of the word "fiancée" still felt surreal, but it was a reality she was more than happy to embrace.

Soshiro, who was sitting across from her, glanced up from his work and chuckled softly. "You're still staring at it?" he teased, his eyes filled with amusement and love.

Y/N lifted her head to meet his gaze, her smile widening. "I can't help it, Soshiro! Look how beautiful it is!" She stretched her hand out toward him, wiggling her fingers to make the ring sparkle even more. "I feel like the luckiest person in the world."

Soshiro put his pen down and leaned back in his chair, watching her with fondness. "You've said that every day since the proposal," he pointed out, his tone gentle and full of warmth.

"And I'm going to keep saying it," Y/N shot back, grinning. "It's not just the ring, you know. It's... everything. I'm going to marry you, Soshiro. You're my fiancé."

Soshiro's heart swelled at her words, and he couldn't help but smile. The word "fiancé" sounded perfect coming from her. "Well, I'm pretty lucky too," he said softly. "I mean, I get to call you mine. That's a pretty big deal."

Y/N blushed, her gaze dropping back to the ring. "I still can't believe it sometimes," she confessed. "It feels like a dream."

Soshiro got up from his chair and walked over to the sofa, sitting down beside her. He reached for her hand, gently lifting it so that he could see the ring too. "It's not a dream," he whispered, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles. "It's real. We're real."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she felt the familiar fluttering in her stomach that always happened when Soshiro did something so sweet. She shifted closer to him, resting her head against his shoulder. "I love you, Soshiro," she said softly, her voice full of emotion. "I really do."

Soshiro's arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "I love you too," he whispered. "More than anything."

The room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. Y/N couldn't help but replay the events of the last few days in her mind—her graduation, the proposal, the endless congratulations from friends and family. It had all been so overwhelming, but in the best possible way.

Soshiro had been by her side through it all, his presence a constant source of comfort and strength. She had always known that she loved him, but now, as his fiancée, that love felt even deeper, more profound.

Everywhere they went, people congratulated them. Even at HQ, the buzz of their engagement hadn't died down. Soshiro couldn't walk five steps without someone stopping him to offer their congratulations.

"Commander Hoshina! Congratulations on the engagement!"

"I hear you're finally off the market, huh?"

"Y/N's a lucky woman, but we all know you're the lucky one, Commander."

Soshiro would laugh it off, but every time he heard someone mention Y/N's name, his heart would swell with pride. He was the lucky one, and he knew it.

His father, in particular, couldn't stop asking about Y/N. Whenever Soshiro visited his father, his father would bombard him with questions, eager to know how Y/N was doing.

"She's like a daughter to me already," his father had said one evening over dinner. "I'm telling you, son, you better not mess this up."

Soshiro had laughed at the time, but he couldn't deny how much his father adored Y/N. In fact, sometimes it felt like his father paid more attention to Y/N than to him or his brothers. Y/N had a way of connecting with people, especially his father, who had always been difficult to please.

"She's the only one who knows how to handle him," Soshiro had joked with Y/N one evening, and she had laughed, but it was true. His father had softened considerably since Y/N had come into their lives, and Soshiro couldn't be more grateful.

One afternoon, Soshiro received a call from his father. He was sitting at his desk when his phone rang, and he immediately knew who it was by the ringtone. Glancing up, he saw Y/N sitting on the sofa, her eyes still fixed on her ring.

"Hey, Dad," Soshiro greeted, leaning back in his chair.

"Son, I was just wondering, how's Y/N doing? She must be so busy with all the practical stuff."

Soshiro chuckled. "She's doing great, Dad. She's actually right here with me."

"Oh, good! Tell her I said hi. And don't forget to ask her if she needs anything for the wedding preparations. You know how women are with weddings."

Soshiro shook his head with a grin. "I'll let her know, Dad. Talk to you later."

After hanging up, Soshiro walked over to Y/N, who looked up at him with a curious smile. "Was that your dad?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, he says hi and wants to know if you need anything for the wedding," Soshiro said with a laugh as he sat down beside her again.

Y/N giggled, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Your dad is so sweet. He's always checking in on me. Sometimes I feel like he's more excited about this wedding than we are."

Soshiro laughed, nodding in agreement. "He's definitely excited. He already considers you his daughter, you know."

Y/N's eyes softened at his words. "I'm really lucky, aren't I?" she murmured. "I didn't think I'd ever have this... this kind of family. But your parents, they've been so kind to me. It feels like I've found a home with them."

Soshiro's hand found hers, and he squeezed it gently. "You're part of the family now, Y/N. My dad's not the only one who's lucky to have you—we all are."

Y/N's heart swelled with emotion, and she gazed at the ring on her finger once again. "I can't wait to marry you, Soshiro," she whispered. "But first... I need to finish my practical in the US."

Soshiro nodded, a soft smile on his face. "I'll wait for you, Y/N. However long it takes. I want you to become a doctor, just like your father. I know that's what you've always wanted."

Y/N's eyes glistened with tears as she looked at him. "I never thought I'd find someone who supports me like you do, Soshiro. I love you so much. I don't think I could ever live without you."

Soshiro's eyes widened slightly at her words, the intensity of her confession catching him off guard. "Y/N..." he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say."

She laughed softly, wiping at her eyes. "You don't have to say anything," she whispered. "Just... promise me we'll always be together."

Soshiro pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. "I promise," he whispered into her hair. "I'll never let you go, Y/N. You're the most important person in my life, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

Y/N smiled against his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace wrap around her like a blanket. She knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, she and Soshiro would face them together. And that thought filled her with more happiness than she had ever known.

As they sat there together, Y/N's hand resting on Soshiro's chest, her ring catching the light once again, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace. She had found her home in Soshiro, and she knew that no matter where life took them, they would always find their way back to each other.

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